Our Medical Experts for Your Health
The University Medical Center of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) with locations in Kiel and Lübeck, on the northern German Baltic Sea Coast, offers medical care of the highest standard. With more than 81 clinics and institutes, and with more than 13,500 employees, including 2,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and a medical staff of 3,600, we treat ne-arly 450,000 outpatients and inpatients, annually.
Das Team des UKSH International betreut Patienten aus dem Ausland, die von dem ausgezeichneten medizinischen Angebot des UKSH profitieren möchten. Hier beantworten wir gern Ihre Fragen zur Organisation Ihres Aufenthaltes unter Berücksichtigung kultureller und konfessioneller Besonderheiten.
The UKSH International team provides care for patients from abroad, who wish to benefit from the excellent medical services offered by the University Medical Center (UKSH).
We will be happy to answer your questions with regard to the organizational aspects of your stay, taking into account cultural and confessional particularities.