Publikationen 2018
Stahl A, Krohne TU, Eter N, Oberacher-Velten I, Guthoff R, Meltendorf S, Ehrt O, Aisenbrey S, Roider J, Gerding H, Jandeck C, Smith LEH, Walz JM, Comparing Alternative Ranibizumab Dosages for Safety and Efficacy in Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Comparing Alternative Ranibizumab Dosages for Safety and Efficacy in Retinopathy of Prematurity (CARE-ROP) Study Group. AMA Pediatr. 2018 Mar 1;172(3):278-286. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.4838. PMID: 29309486 [PubMed - in process] Free PMC Article
Schottler J, Randoll N, Lucius R, Caliebe A, Roider J, Klettner A, Long-term treatment with anti-VEGF does not induce cell aging in primary retinal pigment epithelium. Exp Eye Res. 2018 Jun;171:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.03.002.
Purtskhvanidze K, Balken L, Hamann T, Wöster L, von der Burchard C, Roider J, Treumer F.,Long-term follow-up of lamellar macular holes and pseudoholes over at least 5 years. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Jun;256(6):1067-1078. doi: 10.1007/s00417-018-3972-2. Epub 2018 Apr 6.
Sheptulin V, Purtskhvanidze K, Roider J., Half-time photodynamic therapy in treatment of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy., Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Nov;256(11):2027-2034. doi: 10.1007/s00417-018-4086-6. Epub 2018 Aug 10.
Bruender MC, Benjamin N, Agostini HT, Stahl A, Ehlken C., Subjective evaluation of visual acuity is not reliable to detect disease activity in different exudative maculopathies., Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep;256(9):1565-1571. doi: 10.1007/s00417-018-4021-x. Epub 2018 Jun 1. PMID: 29858676
Ehlken C, Böhringer D, Agostini HT, Grundel B, Stech M., Potential selection bias in candidates for stereotactic radiotherapy for neovascular AMD. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Jan;256(1):105-111. doi: 10.1007/s00417-017-3849-9. Epub 2017 Nov 22.
von der Burchard C, Treumer F, Ehlken C, Koinzer S, Purtskhvanidze K, Tode J, Roider J., Retinal volume change is a reliable OCT biomarker for disease activity in neovascular AMD. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep;256(9):1623-1629. doi: 10.1007/s00417-018-4040-7. Epub 2018 Jun 18.
Richert E, Koinzer S, Tode J, Schlott K, Brinkmann R, Hillenkamp J, Klettner A, Roider J., Release of Different Cell Mediators During Retinal Pigment Epithelium Regeneration Following Selective Retina Therapy., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Mar 1;59(3):1323-1331. doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-23163.
Seifert E, Tode J, Pielen A, Theisen-Kunde D, Framme C, Roider J, Miura Y, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R., Selective retina therapy: toward an optically controlled automatic dosing. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Nov;23(11):1-12. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.11.115002.
Tode J, Kirillova-Woytke I, Rausch VH, Baron R, Jänig W.
Mechano- and thermosensitivity of injured muscle afferents 20 to 80 days after nerve injury., J Neurophysiol. 2018 May 1;119(5):1889-1901. doi: 10.1152/jn.00894.2017
Purtskhvanidze K, Schröder G, Jadik S, Synowitz M, Roider J., Orbital screwdriver injury in a toddler., Ophthalmologe. 2018 Nov;115(11):951-954. doi: 10.1007/s00347-018-0654-8. German.
Purtskhvanidze K, Frühsorger B, Bartsch S, Hedderich J, Roider J, Treumer F., Persistent Full-Thickness Idiopathic Macular Hole: Anatomical and Functional Outcome of Revitrectomy with Autologous Platelet Concentrate or Autologous Whole Blood., Ophthalmologica. 2018;239(1):19-26. doi: 10.1159/000481268. Epub 2017 Oct 20.
von der Burchard C, Tode J, Purtskhvanidze K, Koinzer S, Roider J., Localized photoreceptor damage after femtosecond laser injury., Ophthalmology Retina. 2018 2(7):751-753. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2018.03.005.
Ehlken C, Wilke T, Bauer-Steinhusen U, Agostini HT, Hasanbasic Z, Müller S.,TREATMENT OF NEOVASCULAR AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION PATIENTS WITH VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR INHIBITORS IN EVERYDAY PRACTICE: Identification of Health Care Constraints in Germany-The PONS Study., Retina. 2018 Jun;38(6):1134-1144. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001681. PMID: 28489692
Burkard M, Kohl S, Krätzig T, Tanimoto N, Brennenstuhl C, Bausch AE, Junger K, Reuter P, Sothilingam V, Beck SC, Huber G, Ding XQ, Mayer AK, Baumann B, Weisschuh N, Zobor D, Hahn GA, Kellner U, Venturelli S, Becirovic E, Charbel Issa P, Koenekoop RK, Rudolph G, Heckenlively J, Sieving P, Weleber RG, Hamel C, Zong X, Biel M, Lukowski R, Seeliger MW, Michalakis S, Wissinger B, Ruth P, Accessory heterozygous mutations in cone photoreceptor CNGA3 exacerbate CNG channel-associated retinopathy. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 128:5663-5675
Tode J, Richert E, Koinzer S, Klettner A, von der Burchard C, Brinkmann R, Lucius R, Roider J., Thermal Stimulation of the Retina Reduces Bruch's Membrane Thickness in Age Related Macular Degeneration Mouse Models., Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018 May 1;7(3):2. doi: 10.1167/tvst.7.3.2. eCollection 2018 May.
Fudickar A, Gruenewald M, Fudickar B, Hill M, Wallenfang M, Hüllemann J, Voss D, Caliebe A, Roider JB, Steinfath M, Treumer F.
Immobilization during anesthesia for vitrectomy using a laryngeal mask without neuromuscular blockade versus endotracheal intubation and neuromuscular blockade., Minerva Anestesiologica / 84(7) / 820-828
Wöster L, Roider J.
Long-term changes in autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy (ADVIRC)., GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY / 256(2) / 441-442
Tode J, Roider J.
Vision Loss in Association with Silicone Oil.
Buchbeiträge / Bucheditor:
Sothilingam V, Mühlfriedel R, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW (2018) In-depth functional analysis of rodents by full-field electroretinography. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1715: Retinal Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols (Boon CJ and Wijnholds, eds), pp 207-213, New York: Humana Press.
Kremers J, Tanimoto N (2018) Measuring retinal function in the mouse. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1753: Mouse Retinal Phenotyping: Methods and Protocols (Tanimoto N, ed), pp 27-40, New York: Humana Press.
Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW (2018) Assessment of the absolute excitatory level of the retina by flicker ERG. In Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1753: Mouse Retinal Phenotyping: Methods and Protocols (Tanimoto N, ed), pp 191-202, New York: Humana Press.
Klettner A, Miura Y Porcine RPE/Choroidal Explant Cultures, In: Retinal Degeneration Methods and Protocols. Edts:Bernhard Weber, Thomas Langmann; Series Methods in Molecular Biology (John M. Walker), Humana Press.2018, New York, ISBN 978-1-4939-8668-2, pp 109-118Bernhard Weber and Thomas Langmann (eds.), Retinal Degeneration: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1834,, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
Mouse retinal phenotyping: Methods and Protocols (2018) Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1753: Tanimoto N (ed), New York: Humana Press.
Klettner A, Lingelbach G (Hrg): Blindheit in der Gesellschaft - Historischer Wandel und interdisziplinäre Zugänge, Reihe Disability Studies, Campus Verlag. 200 Seiten. ISBN: 978-3-593-50818-4. Erschienen Februar 2018
Publikationen 2017
Baade A, von der Burchard C, Lawin M, Koinzer S, Schmarbeck B, Schlott K, Miura Y, Roider J, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R.
Power-controlled temperature quided retinal laser therapy
Beck SC, Feng Y, Sothilingam V, Garcia Garrido M, Tanimoto N, Acar N, Shan S, Seebauer B, Berger W, Hammes HP, Seeliger MW
Long-term consequences of development vascular defects on retinal vessel homeoastasis and function in a mouse model of Norrie disease
PLoS One / 12 / 1-10
von der Burchard C, Tode J, Ehlken C, Roider J,
2mm Central Macular Volume Scan Is Sufficient of Detect Exsudative Age-related Macular Degeneration Activity in Optical Coherence Thomography
Dithmer M, Kirsch AM, Fuchs S, Wang F, Schmidt H, Coupland SE, Roider J, Klettner A
Fucoidan does not exert anti-tumorigenic effects in uveal melanoma cell lines
Marine Drugs / 6 / 0-0
Dithmer M, Kirsch AM, Gräfenstein L, Wang F, Schmidt H, Coupland SE, Fuchs S, Roider J, Klettner A
Uveale Melanomzellen unter oxidativen Stress-Einfluss von VEGF und VEGF-Inhibitoren
Ehlken C, Wilke T, Bauer-Steinhusen U, Agostini HT, Hasanbasic Z, Müller S
Treatment of Neovascular Age-related macular Degeneration Patients with vascular endothelial growth factor Inhibitors in everyday practice: Identification of Health Care Constraints in Germany-The PONS Study
Ehlken C, Guichard MM, Schlunck G, Bühler AD, Martin G, Agistini HT
Expression of Angiogenic and Inflammatory Factors in Choroidal Neovascularisation-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Ehlken C, Böhringer D, Agostini HT, Grundel B, Stech M,
Potential selection bias in candidates for stereotactic radiotherapy for neovascular AMD
Ehlken C, Helms M, Böhringer D, Agostini HT,Stahl A,
Association of a Treatment adhrence with real-life VA outcomes im AMD, DME, and BRVO patients
Feldkamp T, Lüdemann M, Spehlmann ME, Freitag-Wolf S, Gaensbacher J, Schulte K, Bajrovic A, Hinzmann D, Hippe HJ, Kunzendorf U, Frey N, Luedde M
Radial Access protects from contrast media induced nephropathy after cardiac catheterization procedures
Clinical Research in Cardiology / 9 / 1-10
Fischer C, Bruggemann A, Hager A, Callizo Planas J, Roider J, Hoerauf H,
Vascular Occlusions following Ocular Surgical Procedures: A Clinical Observation of Vascular Complications after Ocular Surgery
Journal of Ophthalmology / 7 / 1-1
Fudickar A, Gruenewald M, Fudickar B, Hill M, Wallenfang M, Hüllemann J, Voss D, Caliebe A, Roider J, Steinfath M, Treumer F
Immobilisation during anaesthesia for vitrectomy using a laryngeal mask without neuromuscular Blockade versus endotracheal Intubation and neuromuscular blockade
Minerva Anestesiologica / 10 / 1-1
Gottwalt S, Bergmann A, Kautza-Lucht M, Roider J, Treumer F,
Extensive yellowish Fundus changes in a 6-year-old child
OPHTHALMOLOGE / 14 / 556-559
Kandzia C, Roider J
Late Complications after retinal surgery using Hydrogel (MIRAgel) Sponges
Klettner A, Roider J
Algenextrakte als neue Therapieoption in der Ophthalmologie?
Spitzenforschung in der Ophthalmologie / ISSN:1861-4620 / 62-63, DOG-Sonderheft
Malik A, Adland E, Laker L, Kloverpris H, Fardoos R, Roider J, Severinsen MC, Chen F, Riddell L, Edwards A, Buus S, Jooste P, Matthews PC, Goulder PJR
Immunodominant cytomegalovirus-specific CD8+ T-cell Responses in sub-Saharan African populations
PLoS One / 12 / 1-9
Mühlfriedel R, Sothilingam V, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW
Genersatztherapie bei hereditären Netzhauterkrankungen
Mühlfriedel R, Tanimoto N, Schön C, Sothilingam V, Garcia Garrido M, Beck SC, Huber G, Biel M, Seeliger MW, Michalakis S
AAV-mediated gene Supplementation therapy in Achromatopsia type 2: Preclinical data on therapeutic time window and Long-term effects
Frontiers in Neuroscience / 11 / 1-11
Müller S, Ehlken C, Bauer-Steunhusen U, Lechtenfeld W, Hasanbasic Z, Agostini H, Wilke T
Treatment of Age-related neovascular macular Degeneration: the patients perspective
Muenchoff M, Healy M, Singh R, Roider J, Groll A, Kindra C, Sibaya T, Moonsamy A, McGregor C, Phan MQ, Palma A, KloverprisH, Leslie A, Bobat R, LaRussa P, Ndungú T, Goulder P, Sobiesszczyk ME, Archary M
Malnutrition in HIV-Infected Children Is an Indicator of Severe Disease with an Impaired Response to Antiretroviral Therapy
Mulder VC, Tode J, van Dijk EH, Purtskhvanidze K, Roider J, van Meurs JC, Treumer F
Preoperative aqueous humour flare values do not predict proliferative vitreoretinopathy in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Nölle B, Deuschl G, roider J, Schneider SA
Reduction of GAPDH in lenses of Parkinson´s disease patients: A possible new biomarker
Purtskhvanidze K, Hillenkamp J, Tode J, Junge O, Hedderich J, Roider J, Treumer F,
Thinning of Inner Retinal Layers after Vitrectomy with Silicone Oil versus Gas Endotamponade in Eyes with Macula-Off Retinal Detachment
OPHTHALMOLOGICA / 238 / 124-132
Purtskhvanidze K, Frühsorger B, Bartsch S, Hedderich J, Roider J, Treumer F,
Persistent Full-Thickness Idiopathic Macular Hole: Anatomical and Functional Outcome of Revitrectomy with Autologous Platelet Concentrate or Antulogous Whole Blood
Purtskhvanidze K, Rüfer F, Klettner A, Borzikowsky C, Roider J
Ocular Trauma Score as prognotic value in traumatic ocular injuries due to rotating wire brushes
Saeger M, Heckmann J, Purtskhvanidze K, Caliebe A, Roider J, Koinzer S
Variability of panretinal photocoagulation lesions across physicans and patients. Quantification of Diameter and intensity variation
Schön C, Sothilingam V, Mühlfriedel R, Garcia Garrido M, Beck SC, Tanimoto N, Wissinger B, Paquet-Durand F, Biel M, Michalakis S, Seeliger MW,
Gene therapy successfully delays Degeneration in a mouse model of PDE6A-linked Retinitis pigmentosa (RP 43)
HUMAN GENE THERAPY / 28 / 1180−1188
Stingl K, Schippert R, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Besch D, Cottriall CL, Edwards TL, Gekeler F,Greppmaier U, Kiel K, Koitschev A, Kühlewein L, MacLaren RE, Ramsden JD, Roider J, Rothermel A, Sachs H, Schröder GS, Tode J, Troelenberg N, Zrenner E
Interim Results of a Multicenter Trial with the New Electronic Subrtinal Implant Alpha AMS in 15 Patients Blind from Inherited Retinal Degenerations
Frontiers in Neuroscience / 11 / 1-11
Tode J, Richert E, von der Burchard C, Koinzer S, Klettner A, Brinkmann R, Roider J
Schonende retinale Lasertherapien als Behandlungsoption der trockenen AMD
Spitzenforschung in der Ophthalmolgoie / ISSN:1861-4620 / 170-172, DOG-Sonderheft
Tode J, Roider J
Vision Loss in Association with Silicone Oil
Tode J, Richert E, Klettner A, von der Burchard C, Otto S, Koinzer S, Roider J
CRB-1 rd8 Mutation Influences the Extent of AMD-like Retinal Alterations in NRF2 Knock Out Mice and Favors CNV Formation
Tode J, Richert E, Koinzer S, Klettner A, Pickhinke U, Garbers C, Rose-John S, Nölle B, Roider J
Intravitreal injection of anti-Interleukon (IL)-6 antibody attenuates experimental autoimmune uveitis in mice
CYTOKINE / 96 / 8−15
Treumer F, Wienand S, Purtskhvanidze K, Roider J, Hillenkamp J,
The role of Pigment epithelial detachment in AMD with submacular hemorrhage treated with vitrectomy and subretinal co-application of rtPA and anti-VEGF
Wöster L, Roider J
Long-term changes in autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy (ADVIRC)
Zrenner E, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Cottriall CL, Edwards T, Gekeler F, Greppmaier U, Kuehlewein L, MacLaren RE, Ramsden J, Roider J, Sachs HG, Schippert R, Tode J, Troelenberg N, Sting K,
Results from a Multicenter Trial with the New Electronic Subretinal Implant Alpha MAS in 15 Patients Blind from Inherired Retinal Dystrophies
Publikationen 2016
Gottwalt S
Vergleichbare Bildqualitäten und Ergebnisse, Angio-OCT: Unterschiedliche Systeme im klinischen Vergleich - Fallstudien
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten / September / 0-0
Koinzer S
Unterschwellige Laserphotokoagulation mittels Standardlaser
Ophthalmologische nachrichten / 8 / 12-13
Koinzer S, Treumer F, Purtskhvanidze K, vdBuchard C, Roider J
unterschwellige Laserkoagulation mit einem Standardlaser
Augenspiegel / 62 / 22-25
Richert E
Thermische Stimulationstherapie der Retina-Präsentionsbehandlung der frühen AMD durch subletale Laser Behandlung?
Augenspiegel / 12 / 18-21
Schirmer JH, Wright MN, Herrmann K, Laudien M, Nölle B, Reinhold-Keller E, Bremer JP, Moosig F, Holle JU
Myeloperoxidase-Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) - Positive Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegener´s). Is aclinically Distinct Subset of ANCA-Associated Vasculitis: A Retrospective Analysis of 315 patients from a German Vasculitis Referral Center
Arthritis & Rheumatology / 68 / 2953-2963
Wecker T, Ehlken C, Bühler A, lange C, Agostini H, Böhringer D, Stahl A
Five-year visual acuity outcomes and injection Patterns in patients with pro-renata Treatments for AMD, DME, RVO and myopic CNV
British Journal of Ophthalmology / May / 0-0
Dithmer M, Hattermann K, Pomarius P, Aboul Naga SH, Meyer T, Mentlein R, Roider J, Klettner A
The role of Fc-receptors in the uptake and Transport of therapeutic antibodies in the retinal Pigment epithelium
Experimental Eye Research / 145 / 187-205
Cakir B, Fischer F, Ehlken C, Bühler A, Stahl A, Schlunck G, Böhringer D, Agostini H, Lange C
Clinical experience with eplerenone to treat chronic central serous choriotetinopathy
Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology / 254 / 2151-2157
Saeger m, heckmann J, Purtskhvanidze K, Caliebe A, Roider J, Koinzer S
Variability of panretinal photocoagulation lesions across physicans and patients. Quantification of Diameter nd intensity variation
Grafes Archive for Clinical and Esperimental Ophthalmology / Juli / 0-0
Tode J, Purtskhvanidze K, Oppermann T, Hillenkamp J, Treumer F, Roider J
Vision loss under silicone oil tamponade
Grafes Archive for clinical and experimental Ophthalmology / 254 / 1465-1471
Fischer CV, Mans V, Horn M, Naxer S, Klettner A, van Oterendorp C
The Antiproliferative Effect of Bevacizumab on Human Tenon Fibroblasts is not mediated by vascular endothelial Growth Factor Inhibition
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science / 57(11) / 4970-4977
Schlott K, Koinzer S, Baade A, Birngruber R, Roider J, Brinkmann R
Lesion strength control by automatic temperature guided retinal pholocoagulation
Journal of Biomedical Optics / September / 0-0
Klettner A
Fucoidan as a Potential Therapeutic for Major Blinding Diseases - A Hypothesis
Marine Drugs / Februar / 0-0
Klettner A, Richert E, Kuhlenbäumer G, Nölle B, Bhatia KP, Deuschl G, Roider J, Schneider SA
Alpha synuclein and crystqallin Expression in human lens in parkinson´s disease
Movement Disorders / 31(4) / 600-601
Klettner A, Tholey A, Wiegandt A, Richert E, Nölle B, Deuschl G, Roider J, Schneider SA
Reduction of GAPDH in lenses of parkinson´s disease patients: A possible new biomarker
Movement Disorders / Nov. / 0-0
Bauer M, Koinuzer S, Osclies I, Claviez A, Thiede K, Roider J, Nölle B
Unilateral upper eyelid Membrane in conjunctivitis lignosa
Ophthalmologe / oktober / 0-0
Bauer M, Koinzer S, Oschlies I, Claviez A, Tied K, Roider J, Nölle B
Ligneous conjunctivitis
Ophthalmologe / 113 / 416-419
Gellrich MM, Kandzia C
Purkinje Images in slit lamp videography: Video article
Ophthalmologe / 113 / 789-793
Gottwalt S, Bergmann A, Kautza-Lucht M, Roider J, Treumer F
Großflächige gelbliche Fundusveränderungen bei 6-jährigem Kind
Ophthalmologe / August / 0-0
Koinzer S, Bauer M, Garbrecht N, Bräsen HJ, Roider J
Differenzialdiagnose eines deletären Papillentumors: Eine Herausforderung für den Ophthalmopathologen
Ophthalmologe / 113 / 75-77
Mueller S, Agostini H, Ehlken C, Bauer-Steinhusen U, Hasanbasic Z, Wilke T
Patient Preferences in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related macular Degeneration: A discrete Choice Experiment
Ophthalmology / 123 / 876-883
Walz JM, Boehringer D, Deissler HL, Faerber L, Goepfert JC, Heiduschka P, Kleeberger SM, Klettner A, Krohne TU, Schneiderhan-Marra N, Ziemssen F, Stahl A
Pre-Analytical Parameters Affecting Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Measurement in Plasma: Identifiying Confounders
PLoS One / Januar / 0-0
Schirmer JH, Wright MN, Vonthein R, Hermmann K, Nölle B, Both M, Henes FO, Arlt A, Gross WL, Schinke S, Reinhold-Keller E, Moosig F, Holle JU
Clinical presentation an long-term outcome of 144 patients with microscopic polyangiitis in a monocentric German cohort
Rheumatology / 55 / 71-79
Publikationen 2015
Aboul Naga SH, Dithmer M, Chitadze G, Kabelitz D, Roider J, Klettner A
Intracellular pathways following uptake of bevacizumab in RPE cells
Exp Eye Res. 2015 Feb;131:29-41. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2014.12.010. Epub 2014 Dec 19.
Bauer M, Koinzer S, Oschlies I, Claviez A, Tiede K, Roider J, Nölle B
Ligneous conjunctivitis
Ophthalmologe. 2015 Jul 4.
Beck-Broichsitter BE, Acar C, Kandzia C, Jochens A, Wiltfang J, Becker ST
Reconstruction of the orbital floor with polydioxanone: a long-term clinical survey of up to 12 years
Br j Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 oct;53(8):736-40
Daas L, Szentmáry N, Eppig T, Langenbucher A, Hasenfus A, Roth M, Saeger M, Nölle B, u.a.
The German Acanthamoeba keratitis register: Initial results of a multicenter study
Ophthalmologe. 2015 Sep;112(9):742-63. Erratum in: Ophthalmologe. 2015 Nov;112(11):942
Juuti-Uusitalo K, Nieminen M, Treumer F, Ampuja M, Kallioniemi A, Klettner A, u.a.
Effects of Cytokine Activation and Oxidative Stress on the Function of the Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56(11):6265-74
Klettner A, Grotelüschen S, Treumer F, Roider J, Hillenkamp J
Compatibility of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and aflibercept or ranibizumab coapplied for neovascular age-related macular degeneration with submacular haemorrhage
Br J Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar 4. pii: bjophthalmol-2014-306454. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2014-306454. (Epub ahead of print)
Klettner A
The retinal pigment epithelium in the immune regulation of the retina
In: Recent Advances in Eye Research, Edt. Adelle Hogarth, Nova Publishers, 2015, pp:31-52
Klettner A, Kaya L, Flach J, Lassen J, Treumer F, RoiderJ
Basal and apical regulation of VEGF-A and placenta growth factor in the RPE/choroid and primary RPE
Mol Vis. 2015 Jul 10;21:736-48
Klettner A
Alterabhängige Makuladegeneration - Biologie und Behandlung
Med Monatsschr Pharm. 2015 Jul;38(7):258-64
Koinzer S, Baade A, Schlott K, Hesse C, Caliebe A, Roider J, Brinkmann R
Temperature-Controlled Retinal Photocoagulation Reliably Generates Uniform Subvisible, Mild, or Moderate Lesions
Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2015 Oct 6;4(5):9
Koinzer S, Heckmann J, Tode J, Roider J
Long-term, therapy-related visual outcome of 49 cases with retinal arterial macroaneurysm: a case series and literature review
Br J Ophthalmol. 2015 Oct;99(10):1345-53
Koinzer S, Reinecke K, Herdegen T, Roider J, Klettner A
Oxidative Stress Induces Biphasic ERK 1/2 Activation in the RPE with Distinct Effects on Cell Survival at Early and Late Activation
Curr Eye Res. 2015;40(8):853-7
Koinzer S, Bauer M, Garbrecht N, Bräsen JH, Roider J
Differenzialdiagnose eines deletären Papillentumors. Eine Herausforderung für den Ophthalmopathologen
Ophthalmologe. 2015 Jun 9
Koinzer S, Löffler K
Histological diagnostics of enucleated eyes
Pathologe. 2015 Jul;36(4):397-408
Koinzer S, Löffler K
Histological workup of enucleated eyes
Pathologe. 2015 May;36(3):321-32
Krömer M, Nölle B, Rüfer F
Laser suture lysis after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C: analysis of suture selection
J Glaucoma 2015 Jun-Jul;24(5):e84-7
Ogura Y, Roider J, Korobelnik JF, Holz FG, Simader C, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Vitti R, Berliner AJ, Hiemeyer F, Stemper B, Zeitz O, Sandbrink R; Galileo Study Group
Reply To PMID 25068637
Am J Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar;159(3):608
Richert E, Klettner A, Koinzer S, Roider J, Hillenkamp J
Release of different cell mediators during retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) woun healing after Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) for prevention of early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Free
Invest Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2015;56(7):198
Tode J, Zeuner R, Saeger M, Roider J, Nölle B
Tocilizumab and steroid boli for treatment-resistant anterior nedcrotizing scleritis
Acta Ophthalmol. 2015 Dec;93(8):e683-4
Treumer F, Metzger LM, Both M, Rohnen M, Kandzia C, Wiltfang J, Roider J
Orbital impalement by wooden foreign bodies - an interdisciplinry challenge
Klin Monbl. Augenheilkd. 2015 Feb;232(2):189-92
Publikationen 2014
Aboul Naga SH, Dithmer M, Chitadze G, Kabelitz D, Roider J, Klettner A
Intracellular pathways following uptake of bevacizumab in RPE cells
Exp Eye Res, 2014; 131C:29-41
Dithmer M, Fuchs S, Shi Y, Schmidt H, Richert R, Roider J, Klettner A
Fucoidan reduces secretion and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the retinal pigment epithelium and reduces angiogenesis in vitro
PloS One, 2014 Feb 18;9(2):e89150. doi: 10.1371
(Ausgezeichnet mit dem Retina-Förderpreis der DOG, 2014)
Duwendag D, Roider J, Hillenkamp J
Bilateral dicreased visual acuity and progressively decreasing physical fitness
Ophthalmologe. 2014 Aug;111(8):781-4. Doi: 10.1007/s00347-014-3041-0.
Faby H, Hillenkamp J, Roider J, Klettner A
Hyperthermia-induced Upregulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells is regulated by Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 252:1737-1745. (DOI) 10.1007/s00417-014-2750-z
Heiligenhaus A, Bertram B, Heinz C, Krause L, Pleyer U, Roider J, Sauer S, Thurau S
Stellungnahme der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, der Retinologischen Gesellschaft und des Berufsverbandes der Augenärzte Deutschlands zur intravitrealen Therapie des Makulaödems bei Uveitis (Stande: 02.07.2014)
Klein Monbl Augenheilkd. 2014 Sep;231(9):929-36. Doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1382893. Epub 2014 Sep 2.
Hettich C, Wilker S, Mentlein R, Lucius R, Roider J, Klettner A
Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) induces FasL and reduces iNOS and Cox2 in primary monocytes
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 252:1747-1754. (DOI) 10.1007/s00417-014-2742-z
Kivinen N, Dithmer M, Kinnunen K, Lucius R, Roider J, Kaarniranta K, Klettner A
Bevacizumab does not affect autophagy clearance during proteasomal inhibition in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
J Biochem Pharmacol Res, 2014; Vol 2 (1): 44-53
Klettner A, Recber M, Roider J
Comparison of the efficacy of aflibercept, ranibizumab and bevacizumab in an RPE/choroid organ culture
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014 Oct;252(10):1593-8. doi: 10.1007/s00417-014-2719-y (IF
Klettner A, Tahmaz N, Dithmer M, Richert E, Roider J
Effects of aflibercept on primary RPE cells – toxicity, wound healing, uptake, and phagocytosis
Br J Ophthalmol, 2014; 98:1448-1452; doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2014-305105. (Editor’s choice)
Klettner A, Hamann T, Schlüter K, Lucius R, Roider J
Retinal pigment epithelium cells alter the pro-inflammatory response of retinal microglia to TLR-3 stimulation
Acta Ophthalmol. 2014 Dec;92(8):e621-e629. doi: 10.1111/aos.12472.
Klettner A
VEGF-A and its inhibitors in age-related macular degeneration – pharmacokinetic differences and their retinal and systemic implications
J Biochem Pharmacol Re, 2014;2(1):8-20
Klettner A
Biochemische Stressoren in der Makula
Augenspiegel 2014, 9(September):44-46
Klettner A
Zelluläre Grundlagenforschung: Ein Brückenglied zwischen Klinik und Labor
Der Augenspiegel, 2014; 1:20-24
Klink T, Geiger J, Both M, Ness T, Heinzelmann S, Reinhard M, Holl-Ulrich K, duwendag D, Vaith P, Bley TA
Giant cell arteritis: diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging of supervicial cranial arteries in initial diagnosis - results from a multicenter trial
Radiology. 2014 Dec;273(3):844-52. Doi: 10.1148/radiol.14140056. Epub 2014 Aug 6
Koinzer S, Reinecke K, Herdegen T, Roider J, Klettner A
Oxidative stress induces biphasic ERK1/2 activation in the RPE with distinct effects on cell survival at early and late activation
Curr Eye Res. 2014 Sep 24:1-6.
Koinzer S
Optical coherence tomography – high-resolution tissue imaging, but not histology!
Klin Monbl. Augenheilkd. 2014 Jul;231(7):709-17. Doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1368451
Epub 2014 Jul 3. German.
Koinzer S, Caliebe A, Portz L, Saeger M, Miura Y, Schlott K, Brinkmann R, Roider J
Comprehensive detedction, grading, an growth behavior evaluation of subthreshold and low intensity photocoagulation lesions by optical coherence tomographic and infrared image analysis
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:492679. Doi: 10.1155/2014/492679. Epub 2014 May 12
Koinzer S, Bajorat S, Hesse C, Caliebe A, Bever M, Brinkmann R, Roecken C, Roider J
Calibration of histological retina specimens after fixation in Margo´s solution and paraffin embedding to in-vivo dimensions, using photography and optical coherence tomography
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014 Jan;252(1):145-53. Doi: 10.1007/s00417-013-2457-6. Epub 2013 Sep 14
Koinzer S.
Subthreshold-Laser. Kontrolle der retinalen Effekte.
Current congress, DOG-Ausgabe 09/2014. S. 12-13
Koinzer S.
Klinisch unsichtbare Netzhautläsionen.
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten, DOG-Kongressausgabe 1, 09/2014, S. 26-27
Koinzer S, Hesse C, Baade A, Brinkmann R, Roider J
Laserphotokoagulation – eine überholte Therapie?
Augenspiegel, 12/2014, S. 26-30
Korobelnik JF, Holz FG, Roider J, Ogura Y, Simader C, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Lorenz K, Honda M, Vitti R, Berliner AJ, Hiemeyer F, Stemper B, Zeitz O, Sandbrink R; Galileo Study Group
Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection for Macular Edema Resulting from Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: One-Year Results of the Phase 3 Galileo Study
Ophthalmology. 2014 Jan,121(1):202-8. Doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2013.08.012. Epub 2013 Sep 29.
Krömer M, Nölle B, Rüfer F
Laser Suture Lysis After Trabeculectomy With Mitomycin C: analysis of Suture Selection
J Glaucoma. 2014 Oct 9. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 25304278
Ogura Y, Roider J, Korobelnik JF, Holz FG, Simader C, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Vitti R, Berliner AJ, Hiemeyer F, Stemper B, Zeitz O, Sandbrink R; Galileo Study Group
Intravitreal aflibercept for macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion: 18-month results of the pahse 3 Galileo study
Ophthalmologe. 2014 Aug;111(8):740-8. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2014.07.027. Epub 2014 Jul 25
Roider J, Vollbrecht T, Draenert R
Mapping of optimal CD8 T cell epitopes
Methods Mol Bio. 2014;1169:97-106. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0882-0_10.
Rüfer F, Schiller J, Klettner A, Lanzl I, Roider J, Weisser B
Comparison of the influence of aerobic and resistance exercise of the upper and lower limb on intraocular pressue
Acta Ophthalmol. 2014 May;92(3):249-52 (IF 2012 2,629)
Veldhoen S, Klink T, Geiger J, Vaith P, Glaser C, Ness T, Duwendag D, Both M, Bley TA
MRI displays involvement of the temporalis muscle and the deep temporal artery in patients with giant cell arteritis
Eur Radiol. 2014 Nov;24(11):2971-9. Doi: 10.1007/s00330-014-3255-1. Epub 2014 Jun 4
Klettner A
The retinal pigment epithelium in the immune regulation of the retina
In: Retinal Pigment Epithelium: Anatomy, Function and Disease, Nova Publishers, 2014 im Druck
Nölle B, Both M
Idiopathische Orbitaentzündung (IOE).
In: Pleyer U (Hrsg.) Entzündliche Augenerkrankungen, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, S. 48-57, ISBN 978-3-642-38418-9
Nölle B
Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis (GPA) und andere primäre systemische Vaskulitiden.
In: Pleyer U (Hrsg.) Entzündliche Augenerkrankungen, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, S. 474-495, ISBN 978-3-642-38418-9
Hillenkamp J, Bartsch S, Klettner A, Brinkmann R, Roider J
ARVO Annual Meeting, Leading Eye and Vision Research, May 4-8, 2014, in Orlando, Florida, USA
Effect of Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) on the inflammatory microenvironment of the subretinal space
ARVO Meeting Abstracts April 30, 2014 55:6348
Publikationen 2013
Bartz-Schmidt KU, Bertram B, Bornfeld N, Bresgen M, Eter N, Feltgen N, Friedrichs W, Heimann H, Helbig H, Hoerauf H, Holz FG, Kampik A, Lemmen K, Lommatzsch A, Pauleikoff D, Roider J
In Process Citation
Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2013 Jun;230(6):629-634
Berg C, Wilker S, Roider J, Klettner A
Isolation of porcine monocyte population: a simple and efficient method
Veterinary Research Communications, 37:239-241
Feltgen N, Heimann H, Hoerauf H, Walter P, Hilgers RD, Heussen N
Sceral buckling versus primary vitrectomy in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment study (SRP study): Risk assessment of anatomical outcome. SPR study report no. 7
Acta Ophthalmol 2013 May;91(3):282-287
Holle JU, Voigt C, Both M, Holl-Ulrich K, Nölle B, Laudien M, Moosig F, Gross
WL. Orbital masses in granulomatosis with polyangiitis are associated with a refractory course and a high burden of local damage. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013
Holz FG, Roider J, Ogura Y, Korobelnik JF, Simader C, Groetzbach G, Vitti R, Berliner AJ, Hiemeyer F, Beckmann K. Zeitz O, Sandbrink R
VEGF Trap-Eye for macular oedema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion: 6-month results of the phase III GALILEO study
Br J Ophthalmol 2013 Mar;97(3):278-284
Kandzia C
Transpositionsoperation nach Hummelsheim – Operative Durchführung und Kasuistiken
Der Augenspiegel 12/2013
Klettner A, Westhues D, Lassen J, Bartsch S, Roider J
Constitutive VEGF secretion in RPE/choroid organ cultures is independently regulated by p38 and NFkB, and by the VEGFR-2 pathway
Molecular Vision, 2013; 19:281-291
Klettner A, Koinzer S, Meyer T, Roider J
Toll-like receptor 3 activation in retinal pigment epithelium cells – Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways of cell death and vascular endothelial growth factor secretion
Acta Ophthalmolgica Scandinavica, 2013, 91(3), e211-e218
Klettner A, Kauppinen A, Blasiak J, Roider J, Salminen A, Kaarniranta K
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of age-related macular degeneration: from impaired autophagy to neovascularization
Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2013; 45(7):1457-1467
Klettner A, Roider J.
Zelluläre Regulation des Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
DOG-Sonderheft “Spitzenforschung in der Ophthalmologie”, 2013, ISSN:1861-4620; S 153-156
Klettner A, Westhues D, LAssen J, Bartsch S, Roider J
Regulation of constitutive vascular endothelial growth factor secretion in retinal pigment epithelium/choroid organ cultures: p38, nuclear factor kB, and the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2/phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase pathway
Mol Vis 2013;19:281-291
Koinzer S, Hesse C, Caliebe A, Saeger M, Baade A, Schlott K, Brinkmann R, Roider J.
Photocoagulation in rabbits: optical coherence tomographic lesion classification, wound healing reaction, and retinal temperatures.
Lasers Surg Med. 2013 Sep;45(7):427-436
Koinzer S, Bajorat S, Hesse C, Caliebe A, Bever M, Brinkmann R, Roecken C, Roider J.
Calibration of histological retina specimens after fixation in Margo's solution and paraffin embedding to in-vivo dimensions, using photography and optical coherence tomography.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014 Jan;252(1):145-153
Koinzer S, Saeger M, Hesse C, Portz L, Kleemann S, Schlott K, Brinkmann R, Roider J.
Correlation with OCT and histology of photocoagulation lesions in patients and rabbits.
Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Dec;91(8):e603-611
Moosig F, Bremer JP, Hellmich B, Holle JU, Holl-Ulrich K, Laudien M, Matthis C, Metzler C, Nölle B, Richardt G, Gross WL
A vasculitis centre based management strategy leads to improved outcome in eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss, EGPA): monocentric experiences in 150 patients.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Jun;72(6):1011-1017
Pauleikoff D, Bertram B, Holz FG, Kirchhof B, Bartz-Schmidt U, Bornfeld N, Bresgen M, Eter N, Friedrichs W, Heimann H, Helbig H, Hoerauf H, Kampik A, Lemmen KD, Roider J, Ziemssen F
Anti-VEGF therapy of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: therapeutic strategies status December 2012
Purtskhvanidze K, Klettner A, Roider J, Rüfer F
Open globe injuries by rotating wire brushes
Acta Ophthalmol, 91:e653-654
Purtskhvanidze K, Treumer F, Junge O, Hedderich J, Roider J, Hillenkamp J
The long-term course of functional and anatomical recovery after macular hole surgery
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2013, Jul 18;54(7):4882-491
Rüfer F, Kohlmann A, Kandzia C, Klettner A, Roider J
Influence of atmospheric pressure on postoperative decompensation of intraocular pressure in perfluorethane filled eyes after vitrectomy
Acta Ophthalmol, 2013 Feb; 91(1):e80-81
Rüfer F, Schiller J, Klettner A, Lanzl I, Roider J, Weisser B
Comparison of the influence of aerobic and resistance exercise of the upper and lower limb on intraocular pressue
Acta Ophthalmol, 2013, doi: 10.1111/aos.12051
Silva R, Axer-Siegel R, Eldem B, Guymer R, Kirchhof B, Papp A, Seres A, Gekkieva M, Nieweg A, Pilz S
The SECURE study: long-termin safety of ranibizumab 0,5 mg in neovascular age-related macular
Ophthalmology 2013 Jan;120(1):130-139
Wolff K, Treumer F, Jochens A, Roider JB, Kandzia C
Screenng for glaucoma by blue light-pattern ERG and OCT – are the methods comparable?
Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2012 Dec;229(12):1215-1222
Ziemssen F, Helbig H, Lemmen KD, Spital G, Bertram B, Hillenkamp J, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Bornfeld N, Bresgen M, Eter N, Friedrichs W, Heimann H, Hoerauf H, Holz FG, Kampik A, Kirchhof B, Pauleikoff D, Roider, J.
Federführendes Redaktionsteam
Klin Mbl Augenheilkd 2013 Jun;230(6):614-628
Klettner A
Physiological functions of VEGF in the retina and its possible implications of prolonged anti-VEGF therapy Series: Protein Biochemistry, Synthesis, Structure and Cellular Function
In: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor: Biology, Regulation and Clinical significance, Nova Publishing, Editors: Marecellus L. Parker; 2013; S:117-136
Publikationen 2012
Bajorat, S., Koinzer, S., Bräsen, J. H., Hugo, H. H., Roider, J.
Histological findings in bilateral asymmetrical vasoproliferative retinal tumor
Ophthalmologe 2012 Oct;109(10):1026-9
Brinkmann, R., Koinzer, S., Schlott, K., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Baade, A., Luft, S.,Miura, Y., Roider, J., Brinkmann, R.
Real-time temperature determination during retinal photocoagulation on patients
J Biomed Opt 2012 Jun;17(6):061219. doi:10.1117/1.JBO.17.6.061219. PMID: 22734749
Briszi, A., Prahs, P., Hillenkamp, J., Helbig, H., Herrmann, W.
Complication rate and risk factors for intraoperative complications in resident-performed phacoemulsification surgery
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2012;250:1315-1320
Gierloff, M., Seeck, N. G., Springer, I., Becker, S., Kandzia, C., Wiltfang, J.
Orbital floor reconstruction with resorbable polydioxanone implants
J Craniofac Surg 2012 Jan;23(1):161-4
Hillenkamp, J., Klettner, A., Puls, S., Treumer, F., Roider, J.
Subretinal co-application of rtPA and bevacizumab for exsudative AMD with submacular hemorrhage Compatibility and clinical long-terms results
Ophthalmologe 2012; 109(7):648-656
Holle, J . U., Dubaru, C., Herlyn, K., Heller, M., Ambrosch, P., Nölle, B., Reinhold-Keller, E., Gross, W. L.
Rituximab for refractory granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener´s manifestations)
Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Mar; 71(3):327-33
Klettner, A., Puls, S., Treumer, F., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Compatibility of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and bevacizumab co-applied for neovascular age-related macular degeneration with submacular hemorrhage
Arch Ophthalmol 2012;130:875-881
Klettner, A.
Oxidative stress induced cellular signaling in RPE cells
Frontiers in Bioscience, 2012, S4:392-411
Klettner, A., Doths, J., Roider, J.
Nicotine reduces VEGF-secretion and phagocytotic activity in porcine RPE
Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 250(1):33-38
Koinzer, S., Schlott, K., Portz, L., Ptaszynski, L., Baade, A., Bever, M., Saeger, M., Caliebe, A., Denner, R., Birngruber, R., Roider, J.
Correlation of temperature rise and optical coherence tomography characteristics in patient retinal photocoagulation
J. Biophotonics, 2012 Nov 5 (11-12):889-902
Koinzer, S., Schlott, K., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Kleemann, S., Saeger, M., Baade, A., Caliebe, A., Miura, Y., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R., Roider, J.
Temperature-controlled retinal photocoagulation – a step toward automated laser treatment
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012 Jan 14; 53 (7):3605-14
Moosig, F., Bremer, J. P., Hellmich, B., Holle, J. U., Holl-Ulrich, K., Laudien, M., Matthis, C., Metzler, C., Nölle, B., Richardt, G., Gross, W. L.
A vasculitis centre based management strategy leads to improved outcome in eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss, EGPA): monocentric experiences in 150 patients
Ann Rheum Dis. 2012, Aug. 11 (epub, 22887848)
Müller, H. H., Ptaszynski, L., Schlott, K., Debbeler, C., Bever, M., Koinzer, S., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R., Hüttmann, G.
Imaging thermal expansion and retinal tissue changes during photocoagulation by high speed OCT
Biomed Opt Express, 2012 Mai 1;3(5):1025-46
Rüfer, F., Kohlmann, A., Kandzia, C., Klettner, A., Roider, J.
Influence of atmospheric pressure on postoperative decompensation of intracular pressure in perfluorethane filled eyes after vitrectomy
Acta Ophthalmologca, 2012 Mai 25. doi: 10.1111/j. 1755-3768.2012.02461.x. (epub)
Rüfer, F., Sauter, B., Klettner, A., Göbel, K., Flammer, J., Erb, C.
Age-correlated reference values for the Heidelberg-multi-color-anomaloscope
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 250:1267-1273
Schlott, K., Koinzer, S., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Baade, A., Roider, J., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.
Automatic temperature controlled retinal photocoagulation
J Biomed Opt 2012 Jun 17(6):061223. doi:10.1117/1.JBO.17.6.061223. PMID 22734753
Treumer, F., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Long-term outcome of subretinal coapplication of rTPA and bevacizumab followed by repeated intravitreal anti-VEGF injections for neovascular AMD with submacular haemorrhage
Br J Ophthalmol 2012 May;96(5): 708-13
Treumer, F., Klettner, A., Baltz, J., Hussain, A. A., Miura, Y., Brinkmann, R., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Vectorial release of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) from procine RPE-choroid explants following selective retinae therapy (SRT): Towards slowing the macular ageing process
Exp Eye Res 2012:97:63-72
Vollbrecht, T., Stirner, R., Rufman, A., Roider, J., Huber, R. M., Bogner, J. R., Lechner, A., Bourquin, C., Draenert, R.
Chronic progressive HIV-1 infection is associated with elevated levels of myeloid-derived suppressor cells
AIDS 2012 Jul 31;26(12): F31-7
Vollbrecht, T., Eberle, J., Roider, J., Bühler, S., Stirner, R., Henrich, N., Seybold, U., Bogner, J. R., Draenert, R.
Control of M184V HIV-1 mutants by CD8 T-cell responses
Med Microbiol Immunol 2012 May;201(2): 201-11
Wolff, K., Treumer, F., Jochens, A., Roider, J., Kandzia, C.
Screening for Glaucoma by Blue Light-Pattern ERG and OCT – Are the Methods Comparable?
Klin. Mbl. Augenheilkd. 2012, Dec. 229(12):1215-22
Klettner, A., Roider, J.
Mechanisms of Pathological VEGF Production in the Retina and Modification with VEGF-antagonists
In Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice, Studies on Retinal and Choroidal Disorders, Springer 2012:277-306
Rautenberg, P., Hillenkamp, J., Grancicova, L., Nölle, B., Roider, J., Fickenscher, H.
Virtus Diagnostics and Antiviral Therapy in Acute Retinal Necrosis (ARN), Seite 17-34, DO: 10-577234141
In: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science “Antiviral Drugs – Aspects of Clinical Use and Recent Advances, edited by Patrick Arbuthnot, ISBN 978-953-51-0256-4, März 14, 2012 under CC BY 3,0 license
Publikationen 2011
Referierte Originalarbeiten
Brinkmann, R., Koinzer, S., Schlott, K., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Baade, A., Luft, S., Miura, Y., Roider, J., Brinkmann, R.:
Real-time Temperature Determination during Retinal Photocoagulation on Patients
Journal of Biomedical Optics (in press) SPIE 7885, 78850 R (2011)
Göbel, K., Rüfer, F., Erb, C.:
Physiologie der Kammerwasserproduktion sowie der Tagesdruckschwankungen und deren Bedeutung für das Glaukom.
Klin Mbl Augenheilkd. 2011, 228:104-108, Epub 2011 Feb 15
Haller, J. A., Bandello, F., Belfort, R. Jr., Blumenkranz, M. S., Gillies, M., Heier, J., Loewenstein, A., Yoon, Y. H., Jiao, J., Xy, Li, Whitcup, S. M.:
Ozurdex GENEVA Study Group, Li J. Dexamethasone intravitreal implant in patients with macular edema related to branch or central retinal vein occlusion twelve-month study results
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Holle, J. U., Dubrau, C., Herlyn, K., Heller, M., Ambrosch, P., Nölle, B., Reinhold-Keller, E., Gross, W. L.:
Rituximab for refractory granulomatosis with polyangiitis (WegenerŽs granulomatosis): comparison of efficacy in granulomatous versus vasculitis manifestations.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Oct 21 (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 22021864
Holle, J. U., Gross, W. L.,Latza, U.,Nölle, B., Amobrosch, P., Heller, M., Fertmann, R., Reinhold-Keller, E.:
Improved outcome in 445 patients with WegenerŽs granulomatosis in a German vasculitis center over four decades.
Arthritis Rheum. 2011 Jan;63(1):257-66.doi:10.1002/art.27763. PubMed PMID:20862686
Kandzia, C.:
Eine akustische Blickdiagnose - Eine Kasuistik
Orthoptik pleoptik 2011;34:9
Kandzia, C.:
Ein Hauch von nichts - Minimale Diplopie - maximale Diagnose
ZPA, 2011, 7/8, S 322-328
Klatt, C., Saeger, M., Oppermann, T., Poerksen, E., Treumer, F., Hillenkamp, J., Fritzer, E., Brinkmann, R., Birngruber, R., Roider, J.,:
Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) for acute central serous chorioretinopathy
Br J Ophthalmol 2011; 95:83-88
Klettner, A., Puls, S., Treumer, F., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.:
Compatibility of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and bevacizumab coapplied for neovascular age-related macular degeneration with submacular hemorrhage.
Archives of Ophthalmology, 2011 (in print)
Klettner, A., Doths, J., Roider, J.:
Nicotine reduces VEGF-secretion and phagocytotic activity in procine RPE.
Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2011, 8:1776-8, PMID 21858677
Klettner, A., Möhle, F. Lucius, R., Roider, J.:
Quantifying FITC-labelled latex-beads opsonized with photoreceptor outer segment fragments - an easy and inexpensive way to investigate phagocytosis in RPE cells (Short communications)
Ophthalmic Research, 2011; 46:88-91
Koinzer, S., Hasselbach, H., Bräsen, J. H., Leuschner, I., Roider, J.:
Histologischer Befund eines Aderhautmelanoms ein Jahr nach Protonenbestrahlung
Ophthalmologe 2011: 108:570-574
Koinzer, S., Schlott, K., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Kleemann, S., Saeger, M., Baade, A., Caliebe, A., Miura, Y., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R., Roider, J.:
Temperature controlled retinal photocoagulation - a Stepp toward automated laser treatment.
IOVS under review (seit September)
Koinzer, S., Klettner, A., Janschitsch, C., Reinecke, K., Herdegen, T., Schwarz, A., Roider, J.:
Selective VEGF Suppression in the RPE by Infrared-A.
Acta ophthalmologica under review
Kritzenberger, M., Junglas, B., Framme, C., Helbig, H., Gabel, V. P., Fuchshofer, R., Tamm, E. R., Hillenkamp, J.:
Different collagen types define two types of idiopathic epiretinal membranes
Histopathology 2011; 58:953-965
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J. P., Jing, B.:
Activity of upper limb muscles during human walking
J of Elektromyography and Kinesiology 2011, PMID 21945656
Nashed, A., Saikia, P., Herrmann, W. A., Gabel, V. P., Helbig, H.,Hillenkamp, J.:
The outcome of early surgical repair with vitrectomy and silicone oil in open-globe injuries with retinale detachment
Am J Ophthalmol. 2011; 151:522-528
Rüfer, F,, Eisenack, J., Klettner, A., Zeuner, R., Hillenkamp, J., Westphal, G., Roider, J., Nölle, B.:
Multilayered Gore-Tex patch for a temporary coverage of deep non-infectious corneal defects: surgical prodedure and clinical experience.
Am J Ophthalmol. 2011 Apr;151(4):703-713.e2. Epub 2011 Jan 22. PubMed PMID:21257144
Rüfer, F., Peters, A., Klettner, A., Treumer, F., Roider, J.:
Influence of alcohol consumption on incidence and severity of open-globe eye injuries in adults.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2011, 249:1765-1770
Rüfer, F.:
Fehlerquellen bei der Applanationstonometrie
Ophthalmologe 2011, 108:546-552
Schlott, K., Koinzer, S., Ptaszynski, L., Bever, M., Baade, A., Roider, J., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.:
Automatic Temperature Controlled Retinal Photocoagulation
Journal of Biomedical Optics (in press)
Thomasen, H., Pauklin, M., Nölle, B., Geerling, G., Vetter, J., Steven, P., Steuhl, K. P., Meller, D.:
The effect of long-term storage on the biological and histological properties of cryopreserved amniotic membrane.
Curr Eye Res. 2011 Mar;36(3):247-55. Epub 2011 Jan 28. PubMed PMID:21275517
Treumer, F., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.:
Long-term outcome of subretinal coapplication of rtPA and bevacizumab followed by repeated intravitreal anti-VEGF injections for neovascular AMD with submacular haemorrhage.
Br J Ophthalmol. 2011; dec 15 (Epub ahead of print) PMID 22174095
Treumer, F., Wacker, N., Junge, O., Hedderich, J., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Foveal structure and thickness of retinal layers long-term after surgical peeling of idiopathic epiretinal membrane
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 201 Feb 9;52(2):744-50
Rüfer, F.:
Allgemeine Einflussfaktoren auf den Augeninnendruck.
In: Erb, C. (Hrsg.): Moderne Glaukomtherapie
Excerpta medica, Amsterdam, 2011, S. 43-53
Rüfer, F., Roider, J.:
Grundkonzepte zur Therapie retinaler Gefäßerkrankungen
In: Joussen, A. (ed.): Retinale Gefäßerkrankungen. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011, S. 33-45
Klettner, A., Roider, J.:
Mechanisms of Pathological VEGF Production in the Retina and Modification with VEFG-antagonists
In: Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice, Springer, in Press
Treumer, F.,
Nebenwirkungsmanagement der Hepatitis-C-Behandlung.
Ophthalmologische Komplikationen
ISBN 978-3.8374-2195-8, Seite 53-54
Publikationen 2010
Referierte Originalarbeiten
Baracki, H., Feltgen, N., Roider, J., Hoerauf, H., Klatt, C.
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC)
Ophthalmologe. 2010 Mai 107(5): 479-92
Becker, St., Terheyden, H., Fabel, M., Kandzia, C., Möller, B., Wiltfang, J.
Comparison of collagen membranes and polydioxanone for reconstruction of the orbital floor after fractures
J. Craniofac Surg. 2010 Jul; 21(4):1066-8
Hillenkamp, J., Dydykina, S., Klettner, A., Treumer, F., Vasold, R., Bäumler, W., Roider, J.
Safety testing of indocyanine green with different surgical light sources and the protective effect of optical filters
Retina 30:1-7, 2010, Epub ahead of print, 2010, Nov.-Dez. 30(10):1685-91
Hillenkamp, J., Surguch, V., Framme, C., Gabel, V., Sachs, H.
Management of submacular hemorrhage with subretinal versus intravitreal injection of rtPA and gas
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010; 248:5-11
Holle, J., Gross, W., Latza, U., Nölle, B., Ambrosch, P., Heller, M., Fertmann, R., Reinhold-Keller, E.
Improved outcome of 445 WegenerŽs granulomatosis patients in a German vasculitis center over four decades
Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Sep 22. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID:20862686
Holle, J., Gross, W., Holl-Ulrich, K., Ambrosch, P., Nölle, B., Both, M., Csernok, E., Moosig, F., Schinke, S., Reinhold-Keller, E.
Prospective long-term-follow-up of patients with localised WegenerŽs granulomatosis: does it occur as persistent disease stage?
Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Nov; 69(11):1934-9, Epub 2010 Mai 28, PubMed PMID:20511614
Kandzia, C.
Ein Fall für Zwei - Binoculare Problemfälle - Ein multimediales Konzept zur interaktiven Vortragsgestaltung
Z. prakt. Augenheilk. (10)2010: 501-504
Klatt, C., Saeger, M., Oppermann, T., Treumer, F., Hillenkamp, J., Brinkmann, R., Birngruber, R., Roider, J.
Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) for acute central serous chorioretinopathy
BJO 5/2010, Jun 15 DOI: 10.1136/bjo.2009.175596 (Epub ahead of print), PMID 20554506
Klatt, C., Purtskhvanidze, K., Hasselbach, H., Treumer, F., Hillenkamp, J., Roider, J.
Retrospektive Fallanalyse zum ophthalmologischen und internistischen Risikoprofil von retinalen Gefäßverschlüssen
Ophthalmologe 2010; 107-446-451
Klettner, A., Koinzer, S., Waetzig, V., Herdegen, T., Roider, J.
Deferoxamine mesylate is toxic for retinal pigment epithelium cells in vitro, and ist toxicity is mediated by p38
Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 2010 Jun; 29(2):122-9
Klettner, A., Möhle, F., Roider, J.
Intracellular Bevacizumab reduced phagocytotic uptake in RPE cells
Graefes Archive of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2010; 248 (6), 819-824
Miura, Y., Klettner, A., Roider, J.
VEGF-antagonists induce a barriers dysfunction of retinal pigment epithelium in vitro - possible participation of intracellular glutathione
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS), 2010 epub, 2010 Sep. 51(9):4848-55
Miura, Y., Klettner, A., Nölle, B:, Hasselbach, H., Roider, J.
Change of morphological and functional characteristics of retinal pigment epithelium cells during cultivation of retinal pigment epithelium-choroid perfusion tissue culture
Ophthalmic Res. 2010;43(3):122-33, Epub 2009 Oct 29, PubMed PMID:19887877
Nashed, A., Saikia, P., Herrmann, W., Gabel, V., Helbig, H., Hillenkamp, J.
The outcome of early surgical repair with vitrectomy and silicone oil in open-globe injuries with retinal detachment
Am J Ophthalmol (im Druck, angenommen 25.08.10), Dez. 17 PMID 21168826
Nolte, D., Sobanski, E., Wißen, A., Regula J., Lichy, C., Müller, U.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 associated with an expansion of 42 glutamine residues in TATA-box binding protein gene
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010, Jun 28 (Epub ahead of print)
Oppermann, T., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Pigmentepithelatrophie und Hypakusus bei monozygoten Zwillingsschwestern
Ophthalmologe 2010; 107:64-67
Roider, J., Liew S., Klatt, C., Elsner, H., Poerksen, E., Hillenkamp, J., Brinkmann, R., Birngruber, R.
Selektive Retina Therapy (SRT) for clinically significant diabetic macular edema
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010;248:1263-1272
Rüfer, F., Peters, A., Klettner, A., Treumer, F., Roider, J.
Influence of alcohol consumption on incidence and severity of open-globe eye injuries in adults
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol., 2010, Okt. 7 (Epub ahead of print):1533-4
Rüfer, F., Eisenack, J., Klettner, A., Zeuner, R., Hillenkamp, J., Westphal, G., Roider, J., Nölle, B.
Multi-layered Gore-Tex-patch for temporary coverage of deep noninfections corneal defects-surgical procedure and clinical experience
Am J Ophthalmol (im Druck, angenommen 16.10.10)
Rüfer, F., Schröder, A., Klettner, A., Frimpong-Boateng, A., Roider, J., Erb, C.
Anterior chamber depth and iridocorneal angle in healthy White subjects: effects of age, gender and refraction
Acta Ophthalmol. 2010 Dec.; 88(8):885-90
Saikia, P., Nashed, A., Helbig, H., Hillenkamp, J.
Bilateral posterior scleritis-an idiopathic painless presentation
Ocul Immunol Inflamm Epub ahead of print, Dez. 2010, Vol. 18, No. 6:452-453
Treumer, F., Wacker, N., Junge, O., Hedderich, J., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Foveal structure and thickness of retinal layers long-term after surgical peeling of idiopathic epiretinal membrane
IOVS 10 6. Okt. 2010 Epub ahead of print, PMID 20926824
Treumer, F., Sattler, B., Klettner, A., Bunse, A., Hillenkamp, J., Roider, J.
Experimental microablation of chorioidal tissue for autologous retinal pigment translocation with the pulsed electron avalancke knife PEAK-fc.
BJO 2010; 94:1378-1381
Treumer, F., Flöhr, C., Klettner, A., Nölle, B., Roider, J.
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-19 in the human cornea. Wound healing in the MMP-19 knock-out mouse model
Der Ophthalmologe 2010 Jul; 107(7):647-53, German. PubMed PMID:19777244
Treumer, F., Klatt, C., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.
Subretinale co-application of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration with submacular hemorrhage
Br J Ophthalmol 2010; 94:48-53
B. Nölle:
Medikamentöse Augentherapie, 5. Auflage
Erb, C., Schlote, T.: Erkrankungen der Sklera
Thieme Verlag, 2010, S. 188-198
Publikationen 2009
Referierte Originalarbeiten
Both, M., Nölle, B., von Forstner, C., Moosig, F., Gross, W. L., Heller, M.:
Imaging techniques in the evaluation of primary large vessels vasculitides: part 1: angiography, interventional therapy, and magnetic resonance imaging
Z Rheumatol 2009 Aug 68(8):471-84
Both, M., Nölle, B., von Forstner, C., Moosig, F., Gross, W. L., Heller, M.:
Imaging techniques in the evaluation of primary large vessels vasculitides: part 2: duplex ultrasound, positron emission tomography, computed tomography and ophthalmological methods
Z Rheumatol, Aug 68(6):471-84
Eisenack, J., Rüfer, F.:
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 9, Kongressausgabe 2: 4-5
Frimpong-Boateng, A., Bunse, A., Rüfer, F., Roider, J.:
Photodynamic therapy with intravitreal application of triamcinolone acetonide in age-related macular degeneration: functional results in 54 patients.
Acta Ophthalmol 87:183-187
Frimpong-Boateng, A., Rüfer, F., Fiadoyor, S., Nkrumah-Mills, J., Mensah-Tetteh, F., Kudoadzi, N., Roider, J.:
Ophthalmological screening via a hospital boat: field study for planning future health care services in remote villages at the Volta Lake in Ghana
Ophthalmologe 2009 Sep. 106(9):819-25
Hasselbach, H., Thale, A., Bunse, A., Paulsen, F., Roider, J.:
Ultrastructural analysis of the lamina cribrosa after radial optic neurotomy
Ann Anat. 2009, Juni 191(3):267-72
Hillenkamp, J., Nölle, B., Rautenberg, P., Fickenscher, H., Roider, J.:
Acute retinale necrosis: Clinical features and therapy options
Ophthalmologe Dec. 106(12):1058-64
Hillenkamp, J., Roider, J.,Nölle, B., Hoerauf, H., Hattenbach, L. O.:
Retina associated emergencies
Klin Mbl Augenheilkd 2009, Aug; 226(8):R123-35
Hillenkamp, J., Surguch, V., Framme, C., Gabel, V.P., Sachs, H. G.:
Management of submacular hemorrhage with subretinale versus intravitreal injection of rtPA and gas
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol: 11.08.2009, S. 5 - 11
Hillenkamp, J., Nölle, B., Bruns, C., Rautenberg, P., Fickenscher, H., Roider, J.:
Acute retinal necrosis: clinical features, early vitrectomy and outcomes
Ophthalmology 2009 Oct 116(10):1971-5
Hillenkamp, J.:
Diagnose und Therapie der Akuten Retinalen Nekrose
Ophthalmologe 12 - 2009: 1057
Klatt, C., Purtskhvanidze, K.; Hasselbach, H., Treumer, F., Hillenkamp, J., Roider, J.:
Retrospective case analysis of ophthalmological and systemic risk factors in patients with retinal vascular occlusion
Ophthalmologe 16.09.2009 Epub ahead of print
Klettner, A., Roider, J.:
Constituive and oxidative-stress-induced expression of VEGF in the RPE are differently regulated by different Mitogen-activated protein kinases
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009; 247(11):1487-1492
Klettner, A., Roider, J.:
Treating age-related macular degeneration - interaction of VEGF-antagonists with their target
Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2009; Aug 9(9):1127-1135
Klettner, A., Kruse, M. L., Meyer, T., Wesch, D., Kabelitz, D., Roider., J.:
Different properties of VEGF-antagonists: Bevacizumab but not Ranibizumab accumulates in RPE cells
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009; 247(12):1601-1608
Klettner, A., Roider, J.:
Intravitreale Medikamentengabe VEGF - und was kommt danach?
Ophthalmo-Chirurgie, 2009 März 21:117-122
Kohl, E.; Hillenkamp, J., Landthaler, M., Szeimies, R. M.:
Haut und Augen
Hautarzt 2009, 60:63-74
Koinzer, S.:
Reaktivierter Tumor, Karzinoid oder Metastase?
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 09/2009 Kongressausgabe 1
Koinzer, S., Kandzia, C., Roider, J.:
A new haploscopic test device excludes blinking induced monocular perception:
Klin Mbl Augenheilkd 2009, Jul; 226(7):568-71
Koinzer, S., Scharpenack, P., Katzke, H., Leuschner, I., Roider, J.:
Cataracta ossea - Ultrastructural and specimen analysis
Ann Anat 2009 Dec.; 191(6):563-7
Langejürgen, J., Schlott, K., Bever, M., Hausmann, K., Koinzer, S., Ptaszynski, L., Roider, J., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.:
Dependence of Optoacoustic Transients on Exciting Laser Parameters for Real-time Monitoring of Retinal Photocoagulation
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 7373 (2009) 73730K - 73730K-8
Miura, Y., Roider, J.:
Triamcinolone acetonide prevents exidative stress-induced tight junction disruption of retinal pigment epithelial cells
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009 May; 247(5):641-9
Miura, Y., Klettner, A., Nölle, B., Hasselbach, H., Roider, J.:
Change of Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells during Cultivation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium-Choroid Perfusion Tissue Culture
Ophthalmic Res 2009 Oct 29:43(3):122-133
Müller, D., Kandzia, C., Roider, J.:
Computer animated childrens pictures for vision testing
Ophthalmologe 2009 Apr. 106(4):328-33
Oppermann, T., Roider, J., Hillenkamp, J.:
Pigmentepithelatrophie und Hypakusus bei monozygoten Zwillingsschwestern
Der Ophthalmologe, Springer - online publiziert am 16.09.2009
Rautenberg, P., Grancicova, L., Hillenkamp, J., Nölle, B., Roider, J., Fickenscher, H.:
Acute retinale necrosis from the virologists perspective
Ophthalmologe Dec. 106(12):1065-73
Regler, R., Sachs, H. G., Hillenkamp, J., Helbig, H., Framme, C.:
Anatomische und funktionelle Langzeitergebnisse bei komplizierten Netzhautablösungen nach Vitrektomie und Tamponade mit schwerem Silikonöl (Oxane HD)
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2009; 226: 707-712
Robl, C., Sliesoraityte, I., Hillenkamp, J., Prahs, P., Sachs, H. G., Lohmann, C. P., Helbig, H., Herrmann, W. A.:
Repeated pupil size measurements in refractive surgery candidates
J Cataract Refract Surg 2009; 35:2099-2101
Rüfer, F., Saeger, M., Nölle, B., Roider, J.:
Implantation of Retropupillary Iris Claw Lenses with and without penetrating keratoplasty - Complication-based Comparison.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 247:457-462
Rüfer, F., Sander, S., Klettner, A., Frimpong-Boateng, A., Erb, C.:
Characterization of the thinnest point of the cornea compared to the central corneal thickness in normal subjects.
Cornea 28(2):77-180
Rüfer, F., Schröder, A., Klettner, A., Frimpong-Boateng, A., Roider, J., Erb, C.:
Anterior chamber depth and iridocorneal angle in healthy White subjects - effects of age gender and refraction
Acta Ophthalmol - 22.06.2009 Epub ahead of print
Rüfer, F.:
Messung sollte obligate sein - Vorderkammertiefe und Risikoabschätzung bei der PIOL-Implantation.
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 9, Kongressausgabe 1:24
Schlott, K., Langejürgen, J., Bever, M., Koinzer, S., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.:
Time Resolved Detection of Tissue Denaturation during Retinal Photocoagulation
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 7373 (2009) 73730E - 73730E-8
Treumer, F., Klatt, C., Roider, J.,Hillenkamp, J.:
Subretinal co-application of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration with submacular hemorrhage
Br J Ophthalmol 27.11.2009 Epub ahead of print
Treumer, F., Flöhr, C., Klettner, A., Nölle, B., Roider, J.:
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-19 in the human cornea and wound healing in the MMP-19 knock-out mouse
Ophthalmologe 25.09.2009 Epub ahead of print
Publikationen 2008
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
S. Koinzer, H. Elsner, C. Klatt, R. Brinkmann, R. Birngruber, J. Roider:
Selektive Retina Therapie (SRT) of chronic subfoveal fluid after surgery of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: 3 case reports.
GrafeŽs Archives of Ophthalmology, 2008; 10:1373-1378
Klettner A, Roider J:
Comparison of Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab and Pegaptanib in vitro: effeciency and possible additional pathways
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS) 2000, Vol, 49. Nr. 10, 4523-4527
Hasselbach HC, Fickenscher H, Nölle B, Roider J:
Atypical ocular toxoplasmosis with concomitant ocular reactivation of varicella-zoster virus and cytomegalovirus in an immunocompromised host
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2008, 225(3):236-239
Nölle B:
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive concepts
Dev Ophthalmol. 2008; 41:75-84
Nölle B, Both M, Heller M, Roider JB:
Typische Fragen aus der Rheumatologie an den Augenarzt und den kooperierenden Radiologen
Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2008; 67:360-371
Frimpong-Boateng A, Varde MA, Rüfer F, Bunse A, Roider J:
Intravitreales Triamcinolon und Bevacizumab bei Pigmentepithelabhebung im Rahmen der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration
Ophthalmologe 2008; 105(7):661-668
Rüfer F, Varde MA, Roider J:
Intravitreale Triamcinolon- und Bevacizumab-Injektion als Therapiealternative bei nanophthalmischem uvealem Effusionssyndrom
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2008;225:594-596
Frimpong-Boateng A, Bunse A, Rüfer F, Roider J:
Photodynamic therapy with intravitreal application of triamcinolone acetonide in age-related macular degeneraiton: functional results in 54 patients
Acta Ophthalmol. 2008;6: 183-187; epub ahead of print: DOI 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2008.01213.x About DOI
Frimpong-Boateng A, Rüfer F, Fiadoyor S, Nkrumah-Mills J, Mensah-Tetteh F, Kudoadzi N, Roider J:
Screening mit einem Hospitalschiff - Feldstudie zur strategischen Planung der zukünftigen augenärztlichen Versorgung in abgelegenen Dörfern am Voltastausee in Ghana
Ophthalmologe 2008; 11:1-6; epub ahead of print: DOI 10.1007/s00347-008-1837-5
Rüfer F, Saeger M, Nölle B, Roider J:
Implantation of Retropupillary Iris Claw Lenses with and without penetrating keratoplasty - Complication-based Comparison
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2008; 9:457-462; epub ahead of print: DOI 10.1007/500417-008.0940-2
Rüfer F, Flöhr C, Pörksen E, Roider J:
Retinale Laserkoagulation mit dem Pattern Screening Laser - Erste klinische Erfahrungen
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2008;225(1): 968-972
Rüfer F:
Eine denkbare zusätzliche Option - Intravitreales Trichamcinolon als Therapie des nanophthalmischen uvealen Effusionssyndroms.
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 2008;10:10
Rüfer F, Roider J:
Nanophthalmisches uveales Effusionssyndrom - Neue Therapiealternative mit intravitrelaem Triamcinolon
Augenspiegel 2008; 12:32-33
Rüfer F:
Erste klinische Erfahrungen mit dem Pattern Scanning Laser PASCAL
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 2008:12
Pauleikoff D, Scheider A, Wiedmann P, Gelisken F, Scholl HP, Roider J, Mohr A, Zlateva G, Xu X:
Neovascular age-related macular degeneration in Germany: Encroachment in the quality of life and the financial implications
Ophthalmologe 2008; 10:242-251 (DOI 10.1007/s00347-008-1797-9)
Framme C, Roider J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Gabel VP:
Basic principles and clinical application of retinal laser therapy
Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd. 2008; 225 (4):259-268
Varde M, Roider J:
Fused eyelids in a neonate with ventricular septal defect. Diagnosis: AFA
Ophthalmologe 2008;105 (2):173-174
Müller C, Kandzia C, Roider J:
Computeranimierte Kinderbilder zur Visusbestimmung
Der Ophthalmologe 2008; 8:1-6 (DOI 10.1007/s00347-008-1840-x
Klettner A, Roider J:
Comparison of VEGF antagonists in an in vitro system
In Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2008
Geerling G, Brewitt H, Nölle B:
Surgery for the Dry Eye
Scientific Evidence and Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Dry Eye Associated Ocular Surface Disease
Developments in Ophthalmology: Editor: Behrens-Baumann W, Karger Verlag: 2008, Vol. 41, Seite 75-84
Rüfer F, Aschemann D
Diverse Lagerungen in der Augenheilkunde
In: Augenheilkunde, Aschemann (HÄrsg): OP-Lagerungen für Fachpersonal, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2008:303-306
Kobuch K, Herrmann WA, Framme C, Sachs HG, Gabel VP, Hillenkamp J:
Maintenance of adult porcine retina and retinal pigment epithelium in perfusion culture: characterisation of an organotypic in-vitro model
Exp Eye Res 2008; 86:661-668
Engel E, Schramml R, Maisch T, Kobuch K, König B, Szeimies RM, Hillenkamp J, Bäumler W, Vasold R:
Light induced decompensation of Indocyanine Green
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008; 49:1777-1783
Jackson TL, Hussain AA, Morley AMS, Sullivan PM, Hodgetts A, El-Osta A, Hillenkamp J, Williamson TH, Kumar A, Laidlaw DAH, Charles SJ, Woon WH, Costen MF, Luff AD, Sheard R, Marshall J:
Scleral hydraulic conductivity and macromolecular diffusion in patients with uveal effusion syndrome
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008; 49:5033-5040
Herrmann WA, Hillenkamp J, Hufendiek K, Prahs P, Lohmann CP, Helbig H, Kobuch K
Epi-Lasik: A comparative evaluation of epithelial separation with three different microkeratomes
J Cataract Refract Surg 2008; 34:1761-1766
Publikationen 2007
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Hasselbach, HC, Rüfer F, Feltgen N, Schneider U, Bopp S, Hansen LL, Hoerauf H, Bartz-Schmidt U, Roider J (2007)
Treatment of central retinal vein occlusion by radial optic neurotomy in 107 cases
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 245:1145-1156
Rüfer F, Frimpong-Boateng A, Bunse A, Roider J (2007)
Vergleich des ILM-Peelings mit und ohne Einsatz von Indozyaningrün - Funktionelle Ergebnisse bei idiopathischem Makulaforamen nach Pars plana-Vitrektomie
Der Ophthalmologe. 104(1):54-9
Rüfer F, Schröder A, Bader C, Erb C (2007)
Age related changes in central and peripheral corneal thickness: determination of normal values with the Orbscan II topography system
Cornea. Jan; 26(1):1-5
Rüfer F, Westphal S, Erb C (2007)
Vergleich von zentraler und peripherer Hornhautdicke zwischen Normalprobanden und Patienten mit chronischem Offenwinkelglaukom, Normaldruckglaukom und Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2007 Aug; 224(8):636-40
Hillenkamp J, Saikia P, Herrmann WA, Framme C, Gabel VP, Sachs HG
Surgical removal of idiopathic epiretinal membrane with and without the assistance of Indocyanine Green: a randomised controlled clinical trial
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2007; 245:973-979
Bading G, Hillenkamp J, Sachs HG, Gabel VP, Framme C
Long-termin safety profile and functional outcome of combined pars-plana vitrectomy and scleral-fixated sutured posterior chamber lens implantation
Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144:371-377
Hillenkamp J, Kraus J, Framme C, Jackson TL, Roider J, Gabel VP, Sachs HG
Retreatment of full-thickness macular hole: predictive value of optical coherence tomography
Br J Ophthalmol 2007; 91:1445-1449
Bräuer L, Kindler C, Jäger K, Sel S, Nölle B, Pleyer U, Ochs M, Paulsen FP
Detection of surfactant proteins A and D in human tear fluid and the human lacrimal system
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Sep;48(9):3945-53
Müller M, Ewert I, Hansmann F, Tiemann C, Hagedorn HJ, Solbach W, Roider J, Nölle B, Laqua H, Hoerauf H
Detection of Treponema pallidum in the vitreous by PCR
Br J Ophthalmol. 2007 May;91(5):592-5
Buchbeiträge, Übersichten:
Rüfer F, Roider J (2007)
General Concepts in Laser Treatment for Retinal Vascular Disease
In: Joussen A, Gardner TW, Kirchhoff B, Ryan SJ (Eds.): Retinal Vascular Disease
Springer, Heidelberg S. 228-238
Herrmann K, Flöhr C, Stalljohann J, Apiou-Sbirlea G, Kandulla J, Birngruber J, Brinkmann R
Therapeutic Laser Applications and Laser-Tissue Interactions III.
Edited by Vogel A. Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 6632, pp. 66321D (2007)
Publizierte Vorträge:
Rüfer F, Saeger M, Nölle B, Roider J (2007)
Sekundärimplantation bei Aphakie mit Verlust des Linsenhalteapparates - sklerafixierte versus retropupillare Iris-claw-Linsen
Vortrag 56. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte, Kiel
Rüfer F (2007)
Retinale Laseranwendungen, Zentralvenenthrombose und Venenastthrombose
Vortrag 56. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte, Kiel
Frimpong-Boateng A, Rüfer F, Fiadoyor S, Nkrumah-Mills J, Kandzia C, Roider J (2007)
Prävalenz der Blindheit und ophthalmologische Erkrankungen in einer isolierten tropischen und ländlichen Gegend - Screening von 1248 Bewohnern in der Volta Region, Ghana
Vortrag 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Rüfer F, Saeger M, Nölle B, Roider J (2007)
Sekundäre Implantation von retropupillaren Iris-claw-Linsen und sklerafixierten Hinterkammerlinsen - klinischer Vergleich des Komplikationsspektrums
Vortrag 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Erb C, Rüfer F, Eichler B, Mengedoht K (2007)
Vergrößerte Aderhautdicke bei Patienten mit einem chronischen Tinnitus, gemessen mittels hochfrequentem Ultraschall (TIMUG-Eye-Analyzer der Firma TIMUG e.V.)
Vortrag 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Frimpong-Boateng A, Fiadoyor S, Rüfer F, Roider J (2007)
University-Partnerships: Kiel - Ghana
Vortrag 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Kritzenberger M, Hillenkamp J, Kobuch K, Saikia P, Framme C, Helbig H, Tamm ER (2007)
Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analysis of idiopathic epiretinal membranes of the cellophane and non-cellophane type
Tagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Giessen
Hillenkamp J, Kritzenberger M, Kobuch K, Saikia P, Framme C, Helbig H, Tamm ER (2007)
Analysis of structural and molecular differences beween Idiopathic epiretinal membranes of the cellophane and non-cellophane type
Vortrag Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Bading G, Sachs HG, Hillenkamp J, Gabel VP, Framme C (2007)
Safety evaluation of combined pars plana vitrectomy and sceral-fixated posterior chamber lens
Vortrag Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Kraus J, Framme C, Jackson TL, Sachs HG, Roider J, Hillenkamp J (2007)
Retreatment of full-thickness macular hole: predictive value of optical coherence tomography
Vortrag Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Kobuch KA, Maisch T, Dudziak C, Saikia P, Hillenkamp J, Bäumler W, Szeimies RM, Gabel VP, Helbig H (2007)
Investigation of indocyanine green toxicity in vitro: effects of illumination and concentration
Vortrag Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Hillenkamp J, Kobuch K, Maisch T, Bäumler W, Vasold R, Szeimies RM, Helbig H (2007)
Toxizität von licht-induzierten Indozyanin Grün Spaltprodukten
Vortrag 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Frimpong-Boateng, A (2007)
Prävalenz der ophthalmologischen Erkrankungen in einer isolierten und ländlichen Gegend in der Volta-Region, Ghana
56. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte, Kiel
Frimpong-Boateng A, Rüfer F, Fiadoyor S, Nkrumah-Mills J, Kandzia C, Roider J (2007)
Prevalence of Blindness and Ophthalmic Diseases in a Remote Rural Tropical Area - Screening of 1248 Citizens in the Ghanaian Volta Region
Vortrag Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Publikationen 2006
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Aries PM, Hellmich B, Voswinkel J, Both M, Nölle B, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P, Gross WL
Lack of efficacy of rituximab in WegenerŽs granulomatosis with refractory granulomatous manifestations
Bartz-Schmidt U, Bertram B, Birngruber R, Bornfeld N, Gabel VP, Holz F, Lemmen K, Pauleikoff D, Roider J, Walter P
Stellungnahme zu aktuellen therapeutischen Möglichkeiten bei der neovaskulären altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration
Brinkmann R, Roider J, Brinkmann R
Selective retina therapy (SRT): a review on methods, techniques, preclinical and first clinical results
Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Ophtalmologie 302: 51-69
Brinkmann R, Schule G, Neumann J, Framme C, Pörksen E, Elsner H, Theisen-Kunde D, Roider J, Birngruber R
Selektive Retinae Therapy:Methods, technique and online dosimetry
OPHTHALMOLOGE 103(10): 839-849
Elsner H, Klatt C, Liew SH, Pörksen E, Bunse A, Rudolf M, Brinkmann R, Hamilton RP, Birngruber R, Laqua H, Roider J
Selective Retina Therapy in patients with diabetic maculopathy
OPHTHALMOLOGE 103(10): 856-860
Elsner H, Pörksen E, Klatt C, Bunse A, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Laqua H, Roider J
Selektive retina therapy in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy
Framme C, Bunse A, Sofroni R, Thalhammer T, Walter A, Sachs HG, Gabel VP
Fundus autofluorescence before and after photodynamic therapy for choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration.
Kandulla J, Elsner H, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R
Noninvasive optoacoustic online retinal temperature determination during continous-wave laser irradiation
Klatt C, Elsner H, Pörksen E, Brinkmann R, Bunse A, Birngruber R, Roider J
Selective Retina Therapy in central serous chorioretinopathy with detachment of the pigmentary epithelium
OPHTHALMOLOGE 103(10): 850-855
Klatt C, Sendtner P, Ponomareva L, Hillenkamp J, Bunse A, Gabel VP, Roider J
Diagnostics of metamorphopsia in retinal diseases of different origins
OPHTHALMOLOGE 103(11): 945-952
Müller M, Ewert I, Hansmann F, Tiemann C, Hagedorn HJ, Solbach W, Roider J, Nölle B, Laqua H, Hoerauf H
Detection of Treponema pallidum in the Vitreous by PCR
Reichelt JA, Roider J
Akuter Visusverlust - Differntialdiagnose und Therapie
Reichelt JA, de Decker-Danneheim E, de Decker W
Acquired esotropia at advanced age
Ritz-Timme S, Thome M, Grütters G, Grütters M, Reichelt JA, Bilzer N, Kaatsch HJ
What shall we do with the drunken sailor? Effects of alcohol on the performance of ship operators
Selektive Retina Therapie - SRT
OPHTHALMOLOGE 103(10): 837-838
Rüfer F, Frimpong-Boateng A, Bunse A, Roider J
Comparison of ILM peeling with and without the use of indocyanine green: Functional results for idiopathic macular hole after pars plana vitrectom
Schuele G, Elsner H, Framme C, Roider J, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R
Optoacoustic real-time dosimetry for selective retinae treatment
Treumer F, Bunse A, Klatt C, Roider J
Autologous RPE-choroid sheet transplantation in AMD, Morphological and functional results
Treumer F, Bunse A, Rudolf M, Roider J
Pars plana vitrectomy, phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. Comparison of clinical complications in a combined versus two-step surgical approach
Framme C, Roider J, Gabel VP:
New advances in macular surgery in Surgery in Macular diseases, 2006 eds C. Tang, People's medical Publishing house, Peking, China ISBN 7-117-07177-x/R.7178
Publikationen 2005
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Ahlers C, Michels S, Elsner H, Birngruber R, Pruente C, Schmidt-Erfurth U:
Topographic angiography and opticaltomography: A correlation of imaging characteristics.
European Journal of Ophthalmology 15(6):774-781
Ahmadi-Simab K, Lamprecht P, Nölle B, Ai M, Gross WL:
Successful treatment of refractory anterior scleritis in primari SjogrenŽs syndrome with rituximab.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 Jul:64(7):1987-8
Aries PM, Hellmich B, Both M, Nölle B, Voswinkel J, Holl-Ulrich K, Lamprecht P, Gross WL:
Lack of efficacy of Rituximab in WegenerŽs Granulomatosis with refractory granulomatous manifestations.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 'Nov. 3
Framme C, Roider J, Sachs H, Brinkmann R, Gabel VP:
Noninvasive Imaging and Monitoring of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Patterns Using Autofluorescence - Review.
Current Medical Research and Opinion (1) 89-103
Framme C, Walter A, Gabler B, Roider J, Sachs HG, Gabel VP:
Fundus autofluorescence in acute and chronic-recurrent central serous chorioretinopathy.
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 83(2):161-167
Gebhardt M, Mentlein R, Schaudig U, Pufe T, Recker K, Nölle B, Al-Samir K, Geerling G, Paulsen FP:
Differential expression of vascular endothelial growth factor implies the limbal origin of pterygia.
Ophthalmology, 2005 Jun;112(6):1023-30
Hillenkamp J, Saikla P, Gora F, Sachs HG, Lohmann CP, Roider J, Baumler W, Gabel VP:
Macular function and morphology after peeling of idiopathic epiretinal membrane with and without the assistance of indocyanine green.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 89(4):437-443
Hoerauf H, Roider J, Kobuch K, Laqua H:
Perfluorohexylethan (O62) as ocular endotamponade in complex vitreoretinal surgery.
Retina - The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 25(4):479-488
J. Kandulla, H. Elsner, M.Hilmes, C. Hartert, R. Birngruber, R. Brinkmann:
(2005) Optoacoustic temperature determination at the fundus of the eye during transpupillary thermotherapy.
Proc. of SPIE. Vol. 5668, p. 208-214, 2005
Liew SH, Elsner H, Spector TD, Hammond DJ.:
The first "classical" twin study? Analysis of refractive error using monozygotic and dizygotic twins published in 1922.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2005 Jun;8(3):198-200
Pauleikoff D, Bornfeld N, Gabel VP, Holz F, Roider J:
The Position of the Retinological Society, the German Ophthalmological Society and the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists - comments on the current therapy for neovascular AMD.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 222(5),774-781
Roider J:
Radial optics neurotomy.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 222(2):132-133
Rüfer, F., Schröder A, Erb, C.:
White-to-white corneal diameter: normal values in healthy humans obtained with the Orbscan II topography system.
Cornea. 2005 Apr;24(3):259-61
Rüfer F, Schröder A, Arvani MK, Erb C:
Central and peripheral corneal pachymetry - standard evaluation with the Pentacam system.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2005 Feb;222(2):117-22
Rudolf M, Winkler B, Aherrahou Z, Doehring LC, Kaczmarek P, Schmidt-Erfurth U:
Increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor associated with accumulation of lipids in BruchŽs membrane lf LDL receptor knockout mice.
Br J Ophthalmol. 2005 Dec;89(12):1627-30
Schuele G, Elsner H, Framme C, Roider J, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R:
Optocoustic real-time dosimetry for selective retina treatment.
Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(6):1-11
Treumer F, Bunse A, Rudolf M, Roider J:
Pars plana vitrectomy, phacoemulsification and IOL implantation. Comparison of the clinical complications in a combined versus two-step approach.
Graefes Archives for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2005; 3/1-8
Nölle B:
Der Augenarzt - Wie häufig ist eine Augenbeteiligung bei Vaskulitiden?
In: Reinhold-Keller E, Gross WL: Vaskulitis
Steinkopf Verlag Darmstadt, 2005
Nölle B:
Maladies inflammatoires d’origine inconnue
In: Tischendorf, Meyer, Spraul : Ceil et médecine interne
Schattauer Verlag, 2005
Prof. Dr. Johann Roider:
Is there siffucient Evidence to support Transpupillary Thermotherapy for Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Graefes Archives of Ophthalmology
Publikationen 2004
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm, M.,Holland, D., Urbat, C.:
SILK-Steroid-induced lamellar keratopathy. A case report.
Ophthalmologe. 2004 aug; 101(8): 836-840
Appenzeller, O., Amm, M., Jones, H.:
A brief exploration of neurological art history.
J Hist Neurosci. 2004 Dec.; 13(4): 345-350
Framme, C., Schule, G., Birngruber, R., Roider, J., Schutt, F., Kopitz, J., Holz, F.G., Brinkmann, R.:
Temperature dependent fluorescence of A2-E, the main fluorescent lipofuscin component in the RPE.
Current Eye Research / 29 (4-5): 287-291
Framme, C., Schule, G., Roider, J., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.:
Online autofluorescence measurements during selective RPE laser treatment.
Graefes Archive for clinical and experimental Ophthalmology 242 (10): 863-869
Framme, C., Schule, G., Roider, J., Birngruber, R., Brinkmann, R.:
Influence of pulse duration and pulse number in selektive RPE laser treatment.
Lasers in surgery and medicine 34 (3): 206-215
Framme, C., Roider, J.:
Immediate and long-term changes of fundus autofluorescence in continous wave laser lesions of the retina.
Ophthalmic surgery and lasers 35 (2): 131-138
Holland, D., Wiechens, B.:
Intravitreal r-TPA and gas injection in traumatic submacular hemorrhage.
Ophthalmologica. 2004 Jan-Feb, 218(1): 64-69
Horstmann, C., Roider, J.:
Akute retinale Nekrose. Diagnose und Management.
Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde 10/2004, 25: 349-352
Paulsen, F., Corfield, A., Hinz, M., Hoffmann, W., Schaudig, U., Thale, A., Berry, M.:
Tear outflow. Impact of mucins and TFF-peptides.
Ophthalmologe. 2004 Jan; 101(1): 19-24
Rüfer, F., Brewitt, H.:
Das Trockene Auge.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2004: 221, R 51-R70
Rudolf, M., Ivandic, B., Winkler, J., Schmidt-Erfurth, U.:
Accumulation of lipid particles in BruchŽs membrane of LDL receptor knockout mice as a model of age-related macular degeneration.
Der Ophthalmologe 2004, 101: 715-719
Rudolf, M., Michels, S., Schloetzer-Schrehardt, U., Schmidt-Erfurth, U.:
Expression angiogener Faktoren durch photodynamische Therapie.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2004, 221/12: 1026-1032
Schmidt-Erfurt, U. M., Elsner, H., Terai, N., Benecke, A., Dahmen, G., Michels, S. M.:
Effects of verteforfin therapy on central visual field function.
Ophthalmology 2004, 111(5): 931-939
Schule, G., Huttmann, G.; Framme, C., Roider, Brinkmann, R.:
Noninvasive optoacoustiv temperature determination of the fundus of the eye during laser irradiation.
Journal of biomedical optics 9 (1): 173-179
Steven, P., Schafer, G., Nölle, B., Hinz, M., Hoffmann, W., Paulsen, F.:
Distribution of TFF peptides in corneal disease and pterygium.
Peptides. 2004 May; 25(5): 819-825. PMID: 15177877 (PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE)
Suleiman, Y., Amm, M., Duncker, G., Nölle, B.:
Prognosis of corneal transplantation after penetrating eye injury.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2004: Aug. 221(8): 658-673, German. PMID: 15343450 (PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE)
Publikationen 2003
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Ayub M, Thale A, Hedderich J, Tillmann B, Paulsen F: (2003)
The cavernous body of the human efferent tear ducts functions in regulation of tear outflow.
Investigative Ophthalmology & visual Science 44: 4900-4907
Bestelmeyer S, Holland D: (2003)
Visual disturbances and headaches in children.
Ophthalmologe 100(8): 648-650
Butz B, Strotzer M, manke C, Roider J, Link J, lenhart M:
Selective intraarterial fibrinolysis of acute central retinal artery occlusion.
Acta Radiologica 44(6): 680-684
Framme C, Schuele G, Roider J, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R: (2003)
Influence of pulse duration and pulse number in selective RPE laser treatment.
Lasers in surgery and medicine 34(3): 206-215
Friberg T R, Roider J: (2003)
Subthreshold laser photocoagulation and criminal fraud.
Archives of Ophthalmology 121(9): 1343-1344
Grütters G, Reichelt J A, Ritz-Timme S, Thome M, Kaatsch H J: (2003)
Beeinträchtigung der Sicherheit im Schiffsverkehr durch Alkohol: Einfluss auf das visuelle System.
Ophthalmologe 100: 391-395
Holland D, Maune S, Kovacs G, Behrendt S: (2003)
Metastatic tumors of the orbit: a retrospective study.
Orbit 22(1): 15-24
Kienast A, Menz D H, Dresp J, Klinger M, Bunse A, Ohgke H, Solbach W, Laqua H, Kammerer R, Hoerauf H: (2003)
The influence of a new surface treatment of silicone intraocular lenses with fluoralkylsitan on the adherence of enophthalmitic bacteria in vitro.
Ophthalmologe 100(10): 825-831
Marquardt D: (2003)
Reproducibility of evaluation of optic change for glaucoma with stereo optic disc photographs.
Ophthalmology 110(2): 340-344
Paulsen F, Corfield A, Hinz M, Hoffmann W, Schaudig U, Thale A, Berry M: (2003)
Characterization of mucins in human lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct.
Investigative Ophthalmology & visual Science 44: 1807-1813
Paulsen F, Schaudig U, Maune S, Thale A: (2003)
Loss of tear duct-associated lymphoid tissue (TALT) in association with the scarring of symtomatic dacryostenosis.
Ophthalmology 110: 85-92
Paulsen F, Schaudig U, Thale A: (2003)
Drainage of tears-impact on the ocular surface and lacrimal system.
The ocular surface 1: 180-191
Prada J, Noelle B, Baatz H, Hartmann C, Pleyer U: (2003)
Tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 gene expression in keratocytes from patients with rheumatoid corneal ulcerations.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 87: 548-550
Reichelt J A, Grütters G, Ritz-Timme S, Grütters M, Kaatsch H J: (2003)
Beeinträchtigung der Sicherheit im Schiffsverkehr durch Alkohol: Pupillographie und Augenbewegungsstörungen.
Ophthalmologe 100: 396-401
Ritz-Timme S, Thome M, Grütters G, Reichelt J A, Grütters M, Bilzer N, Lemburg D, Kaatsch H J: (2003)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor ? - Zur Grenzwertfrage im Schiffsverkehr.
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Mensch und Sicherheit M 152: 86-90
Wiechens B, Reichelt J A, Urbat C, Noelle B: (2003)
Pars plana-Vitrektonie bei zystoidem Makulaödem bei verschiedenen Formen der chronischen Uveitis.
Ophthalmologe 100: 33-34
Noelle B: (2003)
Entzündliche Erkrankungen unbekannter Genese.
Auge und innere Medizin, (2004): 151-161
Roider J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R: (2003)
Selective retinal pigment epithelium laser treatment.
Lasers in Ophthalmology, 37 (2003): 3-10
Publikationen 2002
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M, Halberstadt M:
Implantation torischer Intraokularlinsen zur Korrektur hoher postkeratoplasti-scher Astigmatismen.
Ophthalmologe 99:464-469.
Amm M, Nölle B:
Gore-Tex®-Patch-Aufnähung bei immunologisch bedingten Hornhautulzerationen.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 219:735-739.
Appenzeller O, Amm M, Walker S:
An Ancient Eye.
Arch Neurol 59: 480-481.
Grütters G, Ritz-Timme S, Reichelt J, Nölle B:
Alkoholinduzierte morphologische und biochemische Hornhautveränderungen.
Ophthalmologe 99: 266-269.
Lamprecht P, Arbach O, Voswinkel J, Lilienthal T, Nölle B, Heller M, Gause A, Gross WL:
Remissions-induktion mit Infliximab bei therapierefraktärer Wegenerscher Granulomatose - Verlaufsbeobachtung.
Dt Med Wochenschr 127: 1876-1880.
Lamprecht P, Voswinkel J, Lilienthal T, Nölle B, Heller M, Gross WL, Gause A:
Effectiveness of TNF-a blockade with infliximab in refractory Wegener's granulomatosis.
Rheumatology 41:1303-1307.
Paulsen F, Thale A, Schaudig U:
Ableitende Tränenwege und trockenes Auge.
Ophthalmologe 99:566-574.
Thale A, Jungmann K, Paulsen F:
Morphological studies of the optic canal.
Orbit 21: 131-137.
Wiechens B, Reichelt JA, Urbat C, Nölle B:
Pars plana-Vitrektomie bei zystoidem Makulaödem bei ver-schiedenen Formen der chronischen Uveitis.
Ophthalmologe 100: 33- 43.
Nölle B, Zavazava N, Jenisch S, Westphal E:
HLA-Typisierung von okulären Transplantaten.
In: Augen-banken (Hrsg. F. W. Wilhelm, G. I. W. Duncker, T. Bredehorn), de Gruyter Verlag Berlin, New York: 125-140.
Publikationen 2001
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M:
"Die Ignoranten und die (Größen-) Wahnsinnigen" Das Bild des Mediziners in der modernen Literatur.
Deut Med Wochenschr 126:158-160
Grütters G, Reichelt JA, Nölle B:
Astigmatismusorientierte perforierende Keratoplastik - Eine Möglichkeit zur Minimierung des postoperativen Astigmatismus?
Ophthalmologe 98:397-401
Nölle B:
Ophthalmologische Diagnostik bei systemischen Vaskulitiden.
Z Rheumatol 60:226-242
Paulsen F, Thale A, Maune S, Tillmann B:
New Insights into the Pathophysiology of Primary Acquired Dacryostenosis.
Ophthalmology 108:2329-2336
Reichelt J, Grütters G, Nölle B:
Postmortale Evaluation des kornealen Astigmatismus nach Astigmatis-mus-orientierter perforierender Keratoplastik (AOpKP).
Ophthalmologe 98:1192-1196.
Rohrbach JM, Stiemer R, Mayer A, Riedinger C, Duijvestijn A, Zierhut M:
Immunology and growth cha-racteristics of ocular basal cell carcinoma.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239:35-40
Rohrbach JM, Kleiser N, Kaufmann-Fechner J, Lisch W:
Ringförmige Hornhauttrübung (Ascher-Ring).
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 218:276-278.
Schaudig U, Paulsen F, Thale A:
Funktionelle Anatomie und Physiologie der ableitenden Tränenwege - Neue Aspekte zum Tränenabfluss und zu Abwehrmechanismen des Tränenepithels.
Z prakt. Augenheilkd. 22:53-62.
Thale A, Paulsen F, Kohla G, Schauer R, Rochels R, Tillmann B:
Die ableitenden Tränenwege des Men-schen - Morphologische und biochemische Untersuchungen.
Ophthalmologe 98:67-73.
Thale A, Paulsen F, Jungmann K:
Morphology of the optic canal.
Orbit (in print)
Thale A, Paulsen F, Nölle B:
Bilateral optic atrophy associated with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Arch Ophthalmol (submitted)
Wiechens B, Nölle B, Reichelt JA:
Pars-plana vitrectomy in cystoid macular edema associated with inter-mediate uveitis.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239:474-481.
Paulsen F, Paulsen J, Thale A, Schaudig A, Tillmann B:
Organized mucosa associated lymphoid tissue in human nasolacrimal ducts.
In: D. A. Sullivan, D. A. Dartt, M. E. Stern, K. Tsubota (eds.), 3rd International Con-ference on the lacrimal gland, tear film and dry eye syndromes: Basic science and clinical relevance, Maui 2000. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York (in press).
Paulsen F, Pufe T, Schaudig U, Held-Feindt J, Lehmann J, Thale A, Tillmann B:
Protection of human efferent tear ducts by antimicrobial peptides.
In: D. A. Sullivan, D. A. Dartt, M. E. Stern, K. Tsubota (eds.), 3rd International Conference on the lacrimal gland, tear film and dry eye syndromes: Basic science and clinical rele-vance, Maui 2000. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York (in press).
Publikationen 2000
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M:
Might and magic, lust and language - the eye as a metapher in literature.
Doc Ophthalmol 101:223-232.
Holland D, Amm M, de Decker W:
Persisting diplopia after bilateral laser in situ keratomileusis.
J Cataract Refract Surg 26:1555-1557.
Lambrecht P, Lerin-Lozano C, Reinhold-Keller E, Nölle B, Gross WL:
Retinal artery occlusion in Wegener`s granulomatosis.
Rheumatology 39:928-929.
Link S, Hedderich J, Häring G:
Einfluss der Phakoemulsifikation und Hinterkammerlinsenimplantation auf den intraokularen Druck.
Ophthalmologe 97:402-406.
Nölle B, Halene MA, Grütters G, Duncker GIW:
Schwerwiegende Wund- und Nahtinsuffizienzen nach perforierender Keratoplastik.
Ophthalmologe 97:12-16.
Paulsen F, Hallmann U, Paulsen J, Thale A:
Innervation of the cavernous body of the human efferent teat ducts and function in tear outflow mechanism.
J Anat 197:177-187.
Paulsen F, Jungmann K, Thale A, Tillmann B:
Die Gelenkkapsel des Cricoarytaenoidgelenkes.
Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 79:412-415.
Paulsen F, Paulsen J, Thale A, Tillmann B:
Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) in the human efferent tear ducts.
Virch Arch 437:185-189.
Paulsen F, Thale A, Hallmann U, Schaudig U, Tillmann B:
The cavernous body of the human efferent tear ducts - morphology and function in tear outflow mechanism.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41:965-970.
Paulsen F, Thale A, Mentlein R:
What happens to tears inside the efferent lacrimal passage? - An animal experimental study.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 238:496-499.
Reinhold-Keller E, de Groot K, Csernok E, Holl-Ulbrich K, Arlt AC, Paulsen J, Nölle B, Heller M, Feller AC, Gross WL:
Comparison of patients with generalized Wegener`s granulomatosis with and without antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA).
Arthritis & Rheumatism 43:1021-1032.
Rohrbach JM, Wohlrab TM, Nölle B, Schlote T:
Zyanoacrylatverletzungen des Auges.
Ophthalmologe 97:878-880.
Swensson O, Swensson B, Nölle B, Rochels R, Wannke B, Thiel HJ:
Keratin-Gen-Mutationen als Ursache der Epitheldystrophie Meesmann-Wilke und autosomal dominanter Verhornungsstörungen der Haut.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 217:43-51.
Publikationen 1999
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M:
Phototherapeutische Keratektomie (PTK) - Eine erfolgreiche Therapiemethode bei Thiel-Behnke-Dystrophie und deren Rezidiven.
Ophthalmologe 96:489-493.
Amm M:
Evaluation of corneal topography after PRK and Lasik.
Ophthalmic Practice 17:138-150.
Amm M, Holubar K:
Eine Spurensuche, die in Wien begann: der Berliner jüdische Augenarzt Oskar Fehr (1871-1959).
Wien Klin Wochenschr 111:488-491.
Häring G, Behrendt S, Winter M:
Effect of folding on multifocal silicone IOL's - a scanning electron microscopic study.
J Cataract Refract Surg 25:1505-1509.
Häring G, Behrendt S, Wiechens B, Duncker G:
Massive intra- und postoperative suprachorioidale Blutungen - Risikofaktoren, Therapie, Ergebnisse.
Ophthalmologe 96:822-828.
Häring G, Dick B, Krummenauer F, Weissmantel U, Kröncke W:
Subjective photic phenomena in multifocal versus monofocal IOLs: results of a multicenter questionnaire.
J Cataract Refract Surg 27:245-249.
Häring G, Gronemeyer A, Hedderich J, de Decker W:
Stereoacuity and aniseikonia after uni- and bilateral refractive multifocal IOL implantation.
J Cataract and Refract Surg 25:1151-1156.
Partsch CJ, Dreyer G, Gosch A, Winter M, Schneppenheim R, Wessel A, Pankau R:
Longitudinal evaluation of growth, puberty and bone maturation and in children with Williams syndrome.
J Pediatrics 134:8289.
Steffen H, Menger N, Richter W, Nölle B, Krastel H, Stayer C, Kolling GH, Wässle H, Meinck HM:
Immune-mediated retinopathy in a patient with stiff-man syndrome.
Graefe`s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 237:212-219.
Wiechens B, Grammer JB, Johannsen U, Pleyer U, Hedderich J, Duncker G:
Experimental Intravitreal Application of Ciprofloxacin in Rabbits.
Ophthalmologica 213:120-128.
Wiechens B, Neumann D, Grammer JB, Pleyer U, Hedderich J, Duncker G:
Retinal toxicity of liposome-incorporated and free ofloxacin after intravitreal injection in rabbit eyes.
Int Ophthalmol 22:133-143.
Wiechens B, Nölle B:
Irisangiographic changes in multifocal chorioretinitis with panuveitis.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 237:902-907.
Wiechens B, Werner JA, Lüttges J, Rudert H, Rochels R:
Primary Orbital Leiomyoma and Leiomyosarcoma.
Ophthalmologica 213:159-164.
Winter M, Halene MA, Häring G:
Hämatemesis und beidseitige Visusminderung.
Ophthalmologe 96:408-409.
Winter M, Kandzia C:
Modifizierter Uhrglasverband.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 214:37-39.
Winter M, Winter C, Wiechens B:
Quantification of intraocular retained perfluorodecalin after macroscopic complete removal.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 237:153156.
Publikationen 1998
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M:
Schauen, Sehen, Beobachten und Erkennen: Das Augenmotiv in der Literatur.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 110:303-307.
Amm M, Duncker GIW:
Indikationen und Strategien der phototherapeutischen Keratektomie (PTK).
Contactologica 20:10-22.
Faul S, Link J, Behrendt S, Rochels R:
MRI of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia.
Orbit 17:125-132.
Freund M, Thale A, Hutzelmann A:
Radiological and histopathological findings in a rare case of complex occult spinal dysraphism with association of a lumbar fibrolipoma, neurenteric cyst and tethered cord syndrome.
Eur Radiol 8:624-627.
Häring G, Behrendt S, Nölle B, Ciriak G:
Bilaterale simultane akute Amaurose bei Neuritis nervi optici.
Ophthalmologe 5:344-347.
Häring G, Behrendt S, Wetzel W:
Evaluation of Laser Sclerostomy Fistulas using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy.
Int Ophtalmology 21:261-264.
Häring G, Nölle B, Wiechens B:
Ultrasound Biomicroscopic Imaging in Intermediate Uveitis.
Br J Ophthalmol 82:625-629.
Häring G, Wiechens B:
Intermittierende Visusbeeinträchtigung durch mobile Glaskörperstruktur.
Ophthalmologe 95:512-513.
Häring G, Wiechens B:
Long-Term Results after Scleral Buckling Surgery in Uncomplicated Juvenile Retinal Detachment without Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy.
Retina 18:501-505.
Krumeich JH, Daniel J, Winter M:
Tiefe lamelläre Keratoplastik mit dem geführten Trepan-System zur Übertragung von Spenderscheiben in ganzer Dicke.
Ophthalmologe 95:748-754.
Nölle B, Faul S, Jenisch S, Westphal E:
Peripheral multifocal chorioretinitis with panuveitis: clinical and immunogenetic characterization in older patients.
Grafe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 236:251-260.
Pankau R, Partsch CJ, Gosch A, Winter M, Schneppenheim R:
Williams-Beuren-Syndrom. Spätdiagnose bei einem 24-jährigen Mann.
Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 146:9396.
Paulsen F, Thale A:
Epithelial-Connective Tissue Boundary in the Oral Part of Human Soft Palate.
J Anat 193:457-467.
Paulsen F, Thale A, Kohla G, Schauer R, Rochels R, Parwaresch R, Tillmann B:
Functional Anatomy of Human Lacrimal Duct Epithelium.
Anat Embryol 198:1-12.
Swensson B, Swensson O, Häring G:
Progressive disseminierte essentielle Teleangiektasien mit konjunktivaler Beteiligung.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 212:116 -119.
Thale A, Paulsen F, Rochels R, Tillmann B:
Functional Anatomy of the Human Efferent Tear Ducts; A New Theory of Tear Outflow Mechanism.
Graefe`s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 236:674-678.
Wiechens B, Krausse R, Grammer JB, Neumann D, Pleyer U, Duncker G:
Glaskörper-Clearance von liposomeninkorporiertem Ciprofloxacin nach intravitrealer Injektion.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 213:284-292.
Winter M, Wiechens B:
Scanning Electron Microscopic Findings on Intraocular Metallic Foreign Bodies
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 236:617-624.
Behrendt S:
Erkrankungen der Orbita - Trauma, Entzündung, Tumor - aus der Sicht des Ophthalmologen.
In: 69. Jahresversammlung der Dt. Ges. f. HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie, Hannover 1998, Springer Verlag 1-22.
Nölle B:
Autoimmunität bei entzündlichen Augenerkrankungen.
In: Autoantikörper; Kapitel 26. Update: clinical immunology, 8. (Ed) Conrad K, Pabst Science Publishers, 556-593.
Publikationen 1997
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M, Duncker G:
Refractive changes after phototherapeutic keratectomy.
J Cataract Refract Surg 23:839-844.
Amm M, Holubar K:
"Coca Koller" und seine Freunde.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 109:170-175.
Behrendt S, Wiechens B:
Schmetterlingsförmige Dystrophie der Makula.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 209:51-52.
Happe W, Wiechens B, Haigis W, Behrendt S, Duncker G:
Intraoperative Skiaskopie zur Bestimmung des Brechwerts einer zu implantierenden Intraokularlinse.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 210:207-212.
Holz FG, Bellmann C, Steffen H, Nölle B, Huber J, Krastel H, Alexandridis E:
Karzinomassoziierte Retinopathie (CAR) bei Mammakarzinom und Karzinoid.
Ophthalmologe 94:337-342.
Mahfouz A E, Häring G, Hamm B:
Comparison of angiopathy, CT arteriography and MR imaging in assessment of liver metastases treated by percutaneous transcatheter intraarterial chemotherapy.
Liver 17:260-266.
Wiechens B, Schröder JO, Pötzsch B, Rochels R:
Primary Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome and Retinal Occlusive Vasculopathy.
Am J Ophthalmology 123:848-850.
Wiechens B, Winter M, Haigis W, Happe W, Behrendt S, Rochels R:
Bilateral Cataract after Phakic Posterior Chamber Top Hat-style Silicone Intraocular Lens.
J Refr Surg 13:392-397.
Winter M, Behrendt S, Binder PS, Duncker G:
Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical findings after linear excimer laser keratectomy.
J Refract Surg 13:60-68.
Zhu SN, Nölle B, Duncker G:
Effects of Viscoelastics on Bovine Corneal Endothelial Cells in Vitro.
Acta Ophthalmol Scand 75:155-158.
Zhu SN, Nölle B, Duncker G:
Expression of Adhesion Molecule CD44 on Human Corneas.
Br J Ophthalmol 81:80-84.
Behrendt S, Werner J, Rochels R, Rudert H:
Onodi-Cell Inflammation - A Rare Cause of Optic Neuropathy.
In: Skull Base Surgery, 3rd European Skull Base Congress. Thieme Verlag 44.
Winter M, Behrendt S, Rochels R:
ORBIT-NET - Diskussionsforum zur Orbitologie im Internet.
In: Orbita-Chirurgie. (Eds) Rochels R und Behrendt S, Einhorn-Presse Verlag, 412-414.
Publikationen 1996
Referierte Originalarbeiten:
Amm M:
Medizinische Mißmutsmanierismen. Der Arzt im Werke Thomas Bernhards.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 108:478-482.
Amm M, Duncker GIW, Schröder E:
Excimer Laser Correction of High Astigmatism after Keratoplasty.
J Cataract Refract Surg 22:313-317.
Amm M, Wetzel W, Winter M, Uthoff D, Duncker GIW:
Histopathological Comparison of Photorefractive Keratectomy and Laser in Situ Keratomileusis in Rabbits.
J Refract Surg 12:758-766.
Behrendt S, Kaatsch HJ, Schwinger R:
Visuell evozierte Potentiale bei niedrigen Blutalkoholkonzentrationen.
Ophthalmologe 93:367-370.
De Groot K, Reinhold-Keller E, Tatsis E, Paulsen J, Heller M, Nölle B, Gross WL:
Therapy for the maintenance of remission in sixty-five patients with generalized WegenerŽs granulomatosis. Methotrexate versus Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole.
Arthritis & Rheumatism 39:2052-2061.
Duncker GIW, Amm M, Schröder E:
The problem of undercorrection after laser in situ keratomileusis: an explanation.
J Refract Surg 12:454.
Häring G, Nölle B, Kiehne K, Wiechens B:
Chronische granulomatöse Chorioretinitis bei Tuberkulose.
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 209:376-379.
Przyklang U, Nölle B, Reinhold-Keller E, Duncker GIW:
Indirect immunofluorescence study of the cornea and conjunctiva in a xenogenetic system: analysis of humoralreactivity in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 234:79-86.
Reinhold-Keller E, de Groot, Rudert H, Nölle B, Heller H, Gross WL:
Response to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazolin Wegener's granulomatosis depends on the phase of disease.
Q J Med 89:15-23.
Ritz S, Mehlan G, Martz W:
Postmortem diagnosis of diabetic metabolic derangement: Elevated a 1-antitrypsin and haptoglobin glycosylation levels as an index of antemortem hyperglycemia.
J Forensic Sci 41:94-100.
Thale A, Gordes RS, Rochels R, Tillmann B:
Veränderungen der Extrazellulärmatrix in der Lamina cribrosa von Patienten mit sekundärem Glaukom - eine immunhistochemische Studie.
Ophthalmologe 93:586-591.
Thale A, Tillmann B, Rochels R:
Scanning-electron microscopic studies of the collagen architecture of the human sclera - normal and pathological findings.
Ophthalmologica 210:137-141.
Thale A, Tillmann B, Rochels R::SEM Studies of the collagen architecture of the human lamina cribrosa: normal and pathological findings.
Ophthalmologica 210:142-147.
Wiechens B, Amm M:
Makuläre kombinierte Malformation ("Hamartom") der Netzhaut und des retinalen Pigmentepithels.
Ophthalmologe 93:724-728.
Wiechens B, Rochels R:
Circular Surgical Cyclopexy After Extensive Traumatic Cyclodialysis.
Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:479-483.
Zavazava N, Nölle B, Duncker G, Jenisch S,Westphal E, Eckstein V, Müller-Ruchholtz W:
Cross-matches on donor cadaver retinal pigment epithelial cells in corneal risk patients.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 234:164-170.
Zhu SN, Nölle B, Duncker G:
Adhesion molecule expression in bullous keratopathy.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 234:159-166.