Deutsche Augenärztliche Gesellschaften
Augenkliniken - in Deutschland
Augenklinik der Univ.-Düsseldorf
Augenklinik der Univ.-Erlangen
Online Journal of Ophthalmology
Weitere Augenkliniken
Augenkliniken - weltweit
Glaucoma Home Page, New York, USA
- associated with the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary
- well done glaucoma FAQ
- under construction : glaucoma drug trials
Internet Ophthalmology, Buffalo, USA
- University of Buffalo, USA
- information on pediatric ophthalmology and strabism
- access to Ophthal
(moderated internet discussion group)
- Ophthalmology Review Journal
LSU Eye Center , New Orleans, USA
- information on educational and research programs
- confocal microscopy
Optometry and Vision Science, Auckland, New Zealand
- in English language
- Dpt. of Optometry and Vision Science
- Auckland Med School, New Zealand
- Optometry as a career
- a brief tour of the department
Ophthalmology Department, Melbourne, Australia
- Dpt. of Ophthalmology at the University of Melbourne
- Lions eye bank and eye donation manual for physicians
- posters and research presentation
- public information area for interested lay persons
- information on library services
Pacific Eye Center, Brisbane and Mackay, Australia
- objectives of the Vision Foundation
- staff list
- continuing professional edication
- Information on cataract, glaucoma and refractive procedures
Shily Eye Center, San Diego, USA
- part of the University of California, San Diego
- general information (take a lesson in perfect advertising..)
- maintains several listserver discussion groups
- provides FAQ from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Virtual Eye Center Pisa, Italy
- kept by the Institute of Ophthalmology
- University of Pisa, Italy
- join the Internet Ophthalmological Society IOS
- excellent archive of ocular images
- eye doctor on line advice for professionals
- Ophthalmology specialty forum
- patient brochures
Wilmer Eye Institute, Baltimore, USA
- Dpt of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- clinical services
- training at Wilmer
- current research
- staff directory
- patient information
Universitätsaugenklinik Graz, Österreich
- in German lanuage
- Anschrift und Telefonnummer
- keine weiteren Seiten oder Links