Publikationen 2002

Ankermann T, Engler S, Partsch C-J Repyloromyotomy for recurrent infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis after successful first pyloromyotomy J Ped Surg, Electronic pages, E 40 (2002)

v. Bernstorff W, Glickman JN, Odze RD, Farraye FA, Joo HG, Goedegebuure PS, Eberlein TJ Fas (CD95/APO-1) and Fas ligand expression in normal pancreas and pancreatic tumors. Implications for immune privilege and immune escape. Cancer 94: 2552-2560, (2002)

Bestmann B, Siebmann JU, Kureck R, Kuechler T Lebensqualität beim Prostatakarzinom. Erste Ergebnisse einer empirischen Metaanalyse Urologe B 42: 109-117 (2002)

Boehle AS, Kurdow R, Boenicke L, Schniewind B, Faendrich F, Dohrmann P, Kalthoff H Wortmannin inhibits growth of human non-small cell lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. Langenbeck Arch Surg 387: 234-239 (2002)

Cerezo A, Kalthoff H, Schuermann M, Schafer B, Boukamp P Dual regulation of telomerase activity through c-Myc-dependent inhibition and alternative splicing of hTERT. J Cell Sci 115: 1305-1312 (2002)

Chen WB, Lenschow W, Tiede K, Fischer JW, Kalthoff H, Ungefroren H Smad4/DPC4-dependent regulation of biglycan gene expression by transforming growth factor-beta in pancreatic tumor cells. J Biol Chem 277: 36118-36128 (2002)

Dresske B, Lin X, Huang DS, Zhou X, Faendrich F Passenger leucocytes in liver transplantation: experience with a rat liver transplant model. Hum Immunol 63: 853-861 (2002)

Dresske B, Lin X., Zehle G, Faendrich F Chimeric liver allografts lack the ability to induce spontaneous tolerance after orthotopic liver transplantation. Graft 5: 124-127 (2002)

Exner BG, Melzer A, Faendrich F Hämatopoetischer Chimärismus zur Induktion spender-spezifischer Transplantationstoleranz Transplantation Link 2-2002: 31-39 (2002)

Faendrich F, Holle J, Binas B The use of preimplantation-derived embryonic-like stem cells for tolerance induction: an animal model in the rat. Graft 5: 73-79 (2002)

Faendrich F, Dresske B, Bader M, Schulze M Embryonic stem cells share immune-privileged features relevant for tolerance induction. J Mol Med 80: 343-350 (2002)

Faendrich F, Lin X, Chai GX, Schulze M, Ganten D, Bader M, Holle J, Huang DS, Parwaresch R, Zavazava N, Binas B Preimplantation-stage stem cells induce long-term allogeneic graft acceptance without supplementary host conditioning. Nat Med 8: 171-178 (2002)

Faendrich F, Zhou X, Schlemminger M, Lin X, Dresske B Future strategies for tolerance induction: A comparative study between hematopoetic stem cells and macrophages. Hum Immunol 63: 805-812 (2002)

Heckelsmiller K, Beck S, Rall K, Sipos B, Schlamp A, Tuma E, Rothenfusser S, Endres S, Hartmann G. Combined dendritic cell- and CpG oligonucleotide-based immune therapy cures large murine tumors that resist chemotherapy. Eur J Immunol 32: 3235-3245 (2002)

Henne Bruns D, Vogel I Does the extend of lymphadenectomy have impact on the prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer? Onkologie 25: 69-71(2002)

Kahlke V, Brossmann J, Klomp HJ Lethal Hemorrhage caused by aorto-enteric fistula following endovascular stentimplantation. Cardiovasc Inter Rad 25: 205-207 (2002)

Kahlke V, Faendrich F, Broetzmann K, Zabel P, Schroeder J Selective decontamination of the digestive tract: impact on cytokine release and mucosal damage after hemorrhagic shock. Crit Care Med 30: 1327-1333 (2002)

Kalthoff H, Voss M Pankreaskarzinome Medizinische Genetik 14: 181-185 (2002)

Klomp HJ, Zernial O, Flachmann S, Wellstein A, Juhl H Significance of the expression of the growth factor pleiotrophin in pancreatic cancer patients. Clin Cancer Res 8: 823-827 (2002)

Kuechler T Der onkologische Patient - Lebensqualität und psychosoziale Versorgung Medizinische Welt 3: 87-92 (2002)

Kurdow R, Boehle AS, Haye S, Boenicke L, Schniewind B, Dohrmann P, Kalthoff H Ganciclovir prodrug therapy is effective in a murine xenotransplant model of human lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 73: 905-910 (2002)

Leins A, Cremer J Invited Commentary Ann Thorac Surg 73: 1910-1911 (2002)

Maacke H, Hundertmark C, Miska S, Voss M, Kalthoff H, Sturzbecher HW Autoantibodies in sera of pancreatic cancer patients identify recombination factor Rad51 as a tumour-associated antigen. J Cancer Res 4: 219-222 (2002)

Maune S, Bosse F, Heisenberg MC, Schmidt C, Berends M, Kuechler T Konzept zur Erhebung der Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Karzinomen des oberen Aerodigestivtraktes. HNO 50: 347-353 (2002)

Mueller YM, Cramer DE; Huang Y, Exner BG, Ildstad ST Hematopoietic stem cells from the marrow of mice treated with FLT3-Ligand are significantly expanded but exhibit reduced engraftment potential Transplantation 73: 1177 - 1185 (2002)

Seifert J Einfluss von NeyArthros® auf den Stoffwechsel von Knorpelzellen. Der Kassenarzt 42: 43-45 (2002)

Seifert J, Molkewehrum M, Oesser S, Nebermann L, Schulze C Endotoxin Inactivation by Enterally Applied Colostrum of Different Composition. Eur Surg Res 34: 68-72 (2002)

Shen Y, Tiralongo J, Iwersen M, Sipos B, Kalthoff H, Schauer R Characterization of the Sialate-7(9)-O-Acetyltransferase from the Microsomes of Human Colonic Mucosa, Biol Chem 383: 307-317 (2002)

Sipos B, Weber D, Ungefroren H, Kalthoff H, Zuhlsdorff A, Luther C, Torok V, Kloppel G Vascular endothelial growth factor mediated angiogenic potential of pancreatic ductal carcinomas enhanced by hypoxia: an in vitro and in vivo study. Int J Cancer 102: 592-600 (2002)

Soeth E, Thurber DB, Smith CL. The viral transactivator E1A regulates the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter in an isoform- and chromatin-specific manner. J Biol Chem 277: 19847-19854 (2002)

Vogel I, Kalthoff H, Henne-Bruns D, Kremer B Detection and prognostic impact of disseminated tumor cells in pancreatic carcinoma. Pancreatology 2: 79-88 (2002)

Weißbach L, Kuechler T Umgang mit Krebs - diesmal aus Sicht des Patienten Editorial und Redaktion des Leitthemas: Lebenqualität bei Patienten mir malignen Tumoren Urologe B 42: 95-96 (2002)

Wirth T, Soeth E, Czubayko F, Juhl H Inhibition of endogenous carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) increases the apoptotic rate of colon cancer cells and inhibits metastatic tumor growth. Clin Exp Metastasis 19: 155-160 (2002)

Xu H*; Exner BG*, Cramer DE; Tanner MK, Mueller YM, Ildstad ST CD8+, αβ-TCR+, and αβ-TCR+ Cells in the recipient hematopoietic environment mediate resistance to engraftment of allogeneic donor bone marrow. J Immunol 168: 1636-43 (2002) *Xu and Exner contributed equally in this study