Publikationen 2003

Atzpodien J, Kuechler Th, Wandert T, Reitz M Rapid deterioration in quality of life during interleukin-2- and a-interferon-based home therapy of renal cell carcinoma is associated with a good outcome British Journal of Cancer 89, 50 - 54 (2003)

Boenicke L, Chu K, Pauls R, Tams C, Kruse ML, Kurdow R, Schniewind B, Boehle AS , Kremer B, Kalthoff H Efficient Dosage- and Time-Dependent Protein Transduction of Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells Using Purified VP22-EGFP Fusion Protein J Mol Med 81,205-213 (2003)

Davidson-Homewood J, Norman A, Kuechler Th, Cunningham D, Watson M Development of a disease specific questionnaire to supplement a generic tool for QoL in colorectal cancer Psycho-Oncology 12 (7), 675-685 (2003)

Doniec JM, Loehnert MS, Schniewind B, Bokelmann F, Kremer B, Grimm H Endoscopic removal of large colorectal polyps. Dis Colon Rectum 46 (3) : 340 - 348 (2003)

Doniec JM, Schniewind B, Kahlke V, Kremer B, Grimm H Therapy of anastomotic leaks by covered self-expanding metallic stents after esophagogastrectomy. Endoscopy 35 (8), 652-8 (2003)

Doniec JM, Kahlke V, Peetz F, Schniewind B, Mundhenke C, Löhnert MS, Kremer B Rectal endometriosis: high sensitivity and specificity of endorectal ultrasound with an impact for the operative management. Dis Colon Rectum 46, 1667-1673 (2003)

Dresske B, Zavazava N, Jenisch S, Exner B, Lenz P, El Mokthari NE, Kremer B, Faendrich F WOFIE synergizes with calcineurin-inhibitor treatment and early steroid withdrawal in kidney transplantation. Transplantation 75 (8), 1286-91 (2003)

Faendrich F, Ruhnke M Stem cells and liver replacement. Med Klin (Munich). 15; 98 Suppl 2:18-22 (2003)

Heise M, Settmacher U, Pfitzmann R, Wunscher U, Mueller AR, Jonas S, Neuhaus P A survival-based scoring-system for initial graft function following orthotopic liver transplantation. Transplant Int 16: 794-800 (2003)

Held-Feindt J, Lutjohann B, Ungefroren H, Mehdorn HM, Mentlein R Interaction of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in human glioma cells. J Neurooncol 63:117-127 (2003)

Kurdow R, Boehle A Implantation Metastasis of a Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma at the Site of a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy Endoscopy, 35, 462 (2003)

Kurdow R, marks HG, Kraemer-Hansen H, Luttges J, Kremer B, Henne Bruns D Recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis after orthotopic liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterology 50 (50): 322-5 (2003)

Kurdow R, Boehle AS, Ankermann T, Dohrmann P Surgical treatment of cerebrally disseminated invasive pulomonal Aspergillosis in a 9 year old child with acute myeloid leukemia Journal of Pediatric Surgery, accepted 2/03.

Kurdow R, Boehle AS, Ruhnke M, Mendoza R, Boenicke L, Sipos B, Schniewind B, Dohrmann P, Kalthoff H Retroviral endostatin gene transfer inhibits growth of human lung cancer in a murine orthotopic xenotransplant model. Langenbecks Arch Surg 388, 401-405 (2003)

Leins A, Riva P, Lindstedt R, Davidoff MS, Mehraein P, Weis S Expression of Tenascin-C in Various Human Brain Tumors and its Relevance for Survival in Patients with Astrocytoma Cancer 98, 2430-2439 (2003)

Loeser C, von Herz U, Kuechler Th, Rzehak P, Mueller MJ Quality of life and nutritional state in patients on home enteral tube feeding. Nutrition 19 (7-8), 605-11 (2003)

Moeller J, Schmidt CE, Sonntag A-K Gegen Krankheit, Armut und politische Instabilität? Gesundh ökon Qual Manag 8, 376-378 (2003)

Mueller AR, Pascher A, Platz KP, Schulz RJ, Rayes N, Seehofer D, Nuessler NC, Junge G, Neumann UP, Klupp J, Dignass A, Radke C, Neuhaus P Immunosuppressives management following intestinal transplantation in adult patients. Transplant Proc 35: 2075-2077 (2003)

Mueller AR, Pascher A, Platz KP, Schulz RJ, Dignass A, Radtke C, Neuhaus P Ergebnisse nach Dünndarmtransplantation. Results in human small bowel transplantation. Langenbecks Archiv, Chirurgisches Forum 32: 357-359 (2003)

Mueller AR, Platz KP, Pascher A, Neuhaus P Dünndarmtransplantation - aktueller Stand und eigene Ergebnisse. Small bowel transplantation - current status and initial results. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 128: 849-855 (2003) Nuessler NC, Mueller AR, Weidenbach H, Vergopoulos A, Platz KP, Volk KD, Neuhaus P, Nussler AK IL-10 increases tissue injury after selective intestinal ischemia/reperfusion. Ann Surg 238: 49-58 (2003)

Pascher A, Radke C, Dignass A, Schulz RJ, Platz KP, Sauer IM, Veltske W, Adler A, Volk, HD, Neuhaus P, Mueller AR Successful infliximab treatment of steroid and OKT3 refractory acute cellular rejection in two patients after intestinal transplantation. Transplantation 76: 615-618 (2003)

Pascher A, Radke C, Dignass A, Schulz RJ, Sauer IM, Platz K, Klupp J, Neuhaus P, Mueller AR Late graft loss after intestinal transplantation in an adult patient as a result of necrotizing enterocolitis. Am J Transplant 3: 1033-1035 (2003)

Pascu M, Mueller HP, Mueller AR, Wiedemann B, Dignass AU Rescue therapy with tacrolimus in a patient with toxic megacolon. Int J Colorectal Dis 18: 271-275 (2003)

Ruhnke M, Ungefroren H, Zehle G, Bader M, Kremer B, Faendrich F Long-term culture and differentiation of rat embryonic stem cell-like cells into the neuronal, glial, endothelial and hepatic lineage. Stem Cells 21: 428-436 (2003)

Sauer IM, Kardassis D, Zeilinger K, Pascer A, Gruenwald A, Pless G, Irgang M, Kraemer M, Puhl G, Frank J, Mueller AR, Steinmuller T, Denner J, Neuhaus P, Gerlach JC Clinical extracorporeal hybrid liver support - phase I study with primary porcine liver cells. Xenotransplantation 10: 460-469 (2003)

Schmidt CE, Bewig B, Klomp HJ Dünndarmileus bei stenosierendem Ileozökaltumor und abdomineller Tuberkulose. Zentralbl Chir 128, 102-105 (2003)

Schmidt CE, Gabbert T, Engeler F, Moeller J Krankenhausmarkt im Umbruch - Welche Kliniken profitieren von der aktuellen Situation? Gesundh ökon Qual Manag 8, 294-299 (2003)

Schmidt C, Moeller J, Gabbert T, Engeler F Investoren im Krankenhausmarkt. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 128:1551-1556 (2003)

Schmidt CE, Mohr A, Moeller J, Heller H Radiologie unter Managed Care Bedingungen. Einsparpotential aus Sicht einer Krankenversicherung in den USA. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 175, 1198-206 (2003).

Schmidt CE, Moeller J, Reibe F, Guentert B, Kremer B Qualitätsmanagement in der Chirurgie - Überblick über Methoden und Möglichkeiten. Chirurg 74, 501-509 (2003) Schmidt CE, Moeller J, Reibe F, Guentert B, Kremer B Patientenzufriedenheit in der stationären Versorgung. Bedeutung, Methoden und Besonderheiten. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 21; 128, 619-24 (2003)

Schmidt CE, Moeller J, Fischer F, Gabbert T, Engeler F Ein Markt im Umbruch. Kliniken im Fokus Privater Ketten und Investoren. Krankenhaus Umschau 11, 1090-1093 (2003)

Tiede K, Stoeter K, Chen WB, Ungefroren H, Kruse ML, Stoll M, Unger T, Fischer JW Angiotensin II induces biglycan in cultured cardiac fibroblasts via the AT1-receptor and autocrine release of transforming growth factor beta. Cardiovasc Res 60: 538-546. (2003)

Trauzold A, Schmiedel S, Sipos B, Wermann H, Westphal S, Roeder C, Klapper W, Arlt A, Lehnert L, Ungefroren H, Johannes FJ, Kalthoff H PKC prevents CD95-mediated apoptosis and enhances proliferation in pancreatic tumor cells. Oncogene 22: 8939-8947. (2003).

Trauzold A, Schmiedel S, Roeder C, Tams C, Christgen M, Oestern S, Arlt A, Westphal S, Kapischke M, Ungefroren H, Kalthoff H Multiple and synergistic deregulations of apoptosis-controlling genes in pancreatic carcinoma cells. Br J Cancer 89: 1714-1721 (2003)

Ungefroren H, Lenschow W, Chen W-B, Faendrich F, Kalthoff H Regulation of biglycan gene expression by transforming growth factor- requires MKK6-p38 Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling downstream of Smad signaling. J Biol Chem 278: 11041-11049 (2003)

Vlems FA, Ladanyi A, Gertler R, Rosenberg R, Diepstra JH, Roeder C, Nekarda H, Molnar B, Tulassay Z, van Muijen GN, Vogel I Reliability of quantitative reverse-transcriptase-PCR-based detection of tumour cells in the blood between different laboratories using a standardised protocol. Eur J Cancer 39: 388-396 (2003)

Wang M, Boenicke L, Howard BD, Vogel I, Kalthoff H Gene transfer and expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein in variant HT-29 cells. World J Gastroenterology 9: 2083-2087 (2003)

Wang M, Vogel I, Kalthoff H Correlation between metastatic potential and variants from colorectal tumor cell line HT-29. World J Gastroenterology 9: 2627-2631 (2003)

Weidemann H, Hieronimus-Reichel A, Sehouli J, Platz KP, Buchmann E, Heider B, Lichtenegger W, Loening SA Neuhaus P. Multivisceral Surgery for Advanced Gynaecological Malignancies. Eur Surg Res 35: 102-106 (2003)

Wietzke-Braun P, Braun F, Schott P, Ramadori G Is laparoscopy an advantage in the diagnosis of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis C virus infection? World J Gastroenterol 24 (2): 107-112 (2003)