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Kapischke M, Prinz K, Tepel J, Tensfeldt J, Schulz T Precoating of alloplastic materials with living human fibroblasts - a feasibility study SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES / 19(6) / 791-797
Kapischke M, Bley K, Tepel J, Schulz T Open versus Laparoscopic Operation for Perforated Appendicitis - A Comparative Study ZENTRALBLATT FUR CHIRURGIE / 130(2) / 137-141
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Groth S, Schulze M, Kalthoff H, Fändrich F, Ungefroren H Adhesion and Rac1-dependent regulation of biglycan gene expression by transforming growth factor-beta.Evidence for oxidative signaling through NADPH oxidase JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY / 280(39) / 33190-33199
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Muerköster S, Arlt A, Sipos B, Witt M, Grossmann M, Klöppel G, Kalthoff H, Fölsch UR, Schäfer H Increased expression of the E3-ubiquitin ligase receptor subunit betaTRCP1 relates to constitutive nuclear factor-kappaB activation and chemoresistance in pancreatic carcinoma cells CANCER RESEARCH / 65(4) / 1316-1324
Kurdow R, Schniewind B, Zoefelt S, Boenicke L, Boehle AS, Dohrmann P, Kalthoff H Apoptosis by gemcitabine in non-small cell lung cancer cell line KNS62 is induced downstream of caspase 8 and is profoundly blocked by Bcl-xL over-expression LANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY / 390(3) / 243-248
Schniewind B, Christgen M, Hauschild A, Kurdow R, Kalthoff H, Klomp HJ Paraneoplastic leukemoid reaction and rapid progression in a patient with malignant melanoma: establishment of KT293, a novel G-CSF-secreting melanoma cell line CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY / 4(1) / 23-27
Kurdow R, Boehle AS, Ankermann T, Schniewind B, Dohrmann P Case report: successful interdisciplinary treatment of cerebrally disseminated invasive pulmonal aspergillosis in a child with acute myeloid leukemia JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY / 40(7) / 1191-1194
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C Schmidt, B Bestmann, T Küchler, W Longo, B Kremer Ten-year historic cohort of quality of life and sexuality in patients with rectal cancer DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM / 48(3) / 483-492
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