Publikationen 2006

Egberts JH, Schafmayer C, Bauerschlag DO, Jaenig U, Tepel J. Benign abdominal and pulmonary metastasizing leiomyoma of the uterus. Arch Gynecol Obstet. / 274(5) / 319-322

Schniewind B, Heintz K, Kurdow R, Ammerpohl O, Trauzold A, Emme D, Dohrmann P, Kalthoff H. Combination phenylbutyrate/gemcitabine therapy effectively inhibits in vitro and in vivo growth of NSCLC by intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Journal of Carcinogenesis / 5 / 25-25

Tepel J, Kalthoff H. Pancreatic cancer--are there new treatment options? ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY / 574 / 107-110

Dresske B, El Mokhtari NE, Ungefroren H, Ruhnke M, Plate V, Janssen D, Siebert R, Reinecke A, Simon R, Fanedrich F. Multipotent cells of monocytic origin improve damaged heart function. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION / 6 / 947-958

Schafmayer C, Kahlke V, Leuschner I, Pai M, Tepel J. Elastofibroma dorsi as differential diagnosis in tumors of the thoracic wall. ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY / 82(4) / 1501−1504

Bojesen SE, Ammerpohl O, Weinhausl A, Haas OA, Mettal H, Bohle RM, Borkhardt A, Fuchs U. Characterisation of the GRAF gene promoter and its methylation in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER / 94(2) / 323-332

Martin-Subero JI, Klapper W, Sotnikova A, Callet-Bauchu E, Harder L, Bastard C, Schmitz R, Grohmann S, Hoppner J, Riemke J, Barth TF, Berger F, Bernd HW, Claviez A, Gesk S, Frank GA, Kaplanskaya IB, Moller P, Parwaresch RM, Rudiger T, Stein H, Kuppers R, Hansmann ML, Siebert R; Deutsche Krebshilfe Network Project Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas. Chromosomal breakpoints affecting immunoglobulin loci are recurrent in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma. CANCER RESEARCH / 66 (21) / 10332-10338

Schafmayer C, Egberts J-H, Kovacs G, Leuschner I, Tepel J. [Emergent treatment of a malignant peripheral epineurial tumour]. CHIRURG / 77(7) / 633-636

Hinz S, Pauser U, Egberts JH, Schafmayer C, Tepel J, Fandrich F. Audit of a series of 40 gastrointestinal stromal tumour cases. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY / 32(10) / 1125−1129

Tepel J, Dagvadorj O, Kapischke M, Sipos B, Leins A, Kremer B, Kalthoff H. Significant growth inhibition of orthotopic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by CpG oligonucleotides in immunodeficient mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE / 21(4) / 365−372

Lang S, Picu A, Hofmann T, Andratschke M, Mack B, Moosmann A, Gires O, Tiwari S, Zeidler R. COX-inhibitors relieve the immunosuppressive effect of tumor cells and improve functions of immune effectors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY / 19(2) / 409−419

Tepel J, March C, Ketterer T, Kapischke M, Arlt A, Kremer B, Kalthoff H, Kruse ML. A modified random oligonucleotide-based combination therapy for adjuvant treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY / 28 (5) / 1105-1112

Klapper W, Szczepanowski M, Heidorn K, Muschen M, Liedtke S, Sotnikova A, Andersen NS, Greeve J, Parwaresch R. Immunoglobulin class-switch recombination occurs in mantle cell lymphomas. JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY / 209(2) / 250-257

Nuevemann D, Christgen M, Ungefroren H, Kalthoff H. Stable expression of temperature-sensitive p53: a suitable model to study wild-type p53 function in pancreatic carcinoma cells. ONCOGENE / 16 / 7434−7439

Nuevemann D, Christgen M, Ungefroren H, Kalthoff H. Stable expression of temperature-sensitive p53: a suitable model to study wild-type p53 function in pancreatic carcinoma cells. ONCOLOGY REPORTS / 16 / 575-579

Tepel J, Kruse ML, Kapischke M, Haye S, Sipos B, Kremer B, Kalthoff H. Adjuvant treatment of pancreatic carcinoma in a clinically adapted mouse resection model. PANCREATOLOGY / 6 (3) / 240-247

Bestmann B, Loetters C, Diemer T, Weidner W, Kuechler T, Rohde V. Prostate-specific symptoms of prostate cancer in a German general population. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES / 10(1) / 52−59

Kapischke M, Caliebe A, Tepel J, Schulz T, Hedderich J. Open versus laparoscopic appendicectomy: a critical review. SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES / 20(7) / 1060-1068

Warnecke G, Avsar M, Morancho M, Peters C, Thissen S, Kruse B, Baumann R, Ungefroren H, Simon AR, Hohlfeld JM, Karstens JH, Haverich A, Strueber M. Preoperative low-dose irradiation promotes long term allograft acceptance and induces regulatory T cells in a porcine model of pulmonary transplantation. TRANSPLANTATION / 82 / 93−101

Rohde V, Diemer T, Hauck E, Bestmann B, Miller J, Schroder H, Weidner W, Katalinic A. Prescription practice for LH-RH analogs and androgen receptor antagonists in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer in Germany. UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS / 77(4) / 311-316

Bestmann B, Rohde V, Siebmann JU, Galalae R, Weidner W, Kuechler T. Validation of the German prostate-specific module. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY / 24(1) / 94-100