Publikationen 2008

Broering DC, Walter J, Braun F, Rogiers X. Face of hepatic transplantation has changed considerably from its experimental beginnings more than 50 years ago. In brief Current Problems in Surgery / 45 / 683-585

Broering DC, Walter J, Braun F, Rogiers X. Current status of hepatic transplantation. Anatomical basis for liver transplantation. Current Problems in Surgery / 45 / 587-661

Wilms C, Mueller L, Lenk C, Wittkugel O, Helmke K, Krupski-Berdien G, Rogiers X, Broering DC. Comparative study of portal vein embolization versus portal vein ligation for induction of hypertrophy of the future liver remnant using a mini-pig model. ANNALS OF SURGERY / 247 / 825-834

Egberts JH, Schniewind B, Bestmann B, Schafmayer C, Egberts F, Faendrich F, Kuechler T, Tepel J. Impact of the site of anastomosis after oncologic esophagectomy on quality of life--a prospective, longitudinal outcome study. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY / 15 / 566−575

Mueller L, Hillert C, Möller L, Krupski-Berdien G, Rogiers X, Broering DC. Major hepatectomy for colorectal metastases: is preoperative portal occlusion an oncological risk factor? ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY / 15 / 1908−1917

Alkatout I, Kabelitz D, Kalthoff H, Tiwari S. Prowling wolves in sheep's clothing: the search for tumor stem cells. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY / 389 / 799-811

Egberts JH, Schniewind B, Pätzold M, Kettler B, Tepel J, Kalthoff H, Trauzold A. Dexamethasone reduces tumor recurrence and metastasis after pancreatic tumor resection in SCID mice. CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY / 7 / 1044-1050

Egberts JH, Cloosters V, Noack A, Schniewind B, Thon L, Klose S, Kettler B, von Forstner C, Kneitz C, Tepel J, Adam D, Wajant H, Kalthoff H, Trauzold A. Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy inhibits pancreatic tumor growth and metastasis. CANCER RESEARCH / 68 / 1443-1450

Schulte T, Schniewind B, Dohrmann P, Küchler T, Kurdow R. The extent of lung parenchyma resection significantly impacts long-term quality of life in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. CHEST / 135 / 322−329

Jongen J, Eberstein A, Peleikis HG, Kahlke V, Herbst RA. Perianal streptococcal dermatitis: an important differential diagnosis in pediatric patients. DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM / 51 / 584−587

Strate T, Bachmann K, Busch P, Mann O, Schneider C, Bruhn JP, Yekebas E, Kuechler T, Bloechle C, Izbicki JR. Resection vs drainage in treatment of chronic pancreatitis: long-term results of a randomized trial. GASTROENTEROLOGY / 134(5) / 1406-1411

Hinz S, Egberts JH, Pauser U, Schafmayer C, Fändrich F and Tepel J. Genetic investigation of DNA-repair pathway genes PMS2, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MUTYH, OGG1 and MTH1 in sporadic colon cancer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER / 121 / 555-558

Melum E, Buch S, Schafmayer C, Kalthoff H, Tepel J, Schreiber S, Karlsen TH, Hampe J. Investigation of cholangiocarcinoma associated NKG2D polymorphisms in colorectal carcinoma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER / 123 / 241-242

Schafmayer C, Buch S, Völzke H, von Schönfels W, Egberts JH, Schniewind B, Brosch M, Ruether A, Franke A, Mathiak M, Sipos B, Henopp T, Catalcali J, Hellmig S, ElSharawy A, Katalinic A, Lerch MM, John U, Fölsch UR, Fändrich F, Kalthoff H, Schreiber S, Krawczak M, Tepel J, Hampe J. Investigation of the colorectal cancer susceptibility region on chromosome 8q24.21 in a large German case-control sample. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER / 140 / 75-80

Schulte T, Bokelmann F, Jongen J, Peleikis HG, Fändrich F, Kahlke V. Mediastinal and retro-/intraperitoneal emphysema after stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR-operation) using the Contour Transtar stapler in obstructive defecation syndrome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE / 23 / 1019−1020

Zick G, Boehle AS, Frerichs I, Both M, Scholz J, Weiler N. Tension pneumopericardium after esophagectomy: an extremely rare complication. JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA / 22 / 267−269

Scott NW, Fayers PM, Aaronson NK, Bottomley A, de Graeff A, Groenvold M, Koller M, Petersen MA, Sprangers MA; EORTC. The relationship between overall quality of life and its subdimensions was influenced by culture: analysis of an international database. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY / 61(8) / 788-795

von Forstner C*, Egberts JH*, Ammerpohl O, Niedzielska D, Buchert R, Mikecz P, Schumacher U, Peldschus K, Adam G, Pilarsky C, Grutzmann R, Kalthoff H, Henze E, Brenner W. Gene expression patterns and tumor uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, 18Ffluorothymidine and 18F-fluorethylcholine in fused PET-MRI in an orthotopic mouse xenotransplantation model of pancreatic cancer. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE / 49 / 1362-1370

Alkatout I, Henopp T, Moritz JD, Nikischin W, Klöppel G, Engler S. Extraabdominal malposition of the gallbladder. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY / 43 / 41−44

Hinz S, Egberts JH, Pauser U, Schafmayer C, Fändrich F, Tepel J. Electrolytic ablation is as effective as radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of artificial liver metastases in a pig model. Electrolytic ablation is as effective as radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of artificial liver metastases in a pig model. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY / 98 / 135−138

Schafmayer C, Freitag-Wolf S, Wolken H, Buch S, Brosch M, Egberts JH, Shekarriz H, Fölsch UR, Fändrich F, Krawczak M, Schreiber S, Tepel J, Hampe J. Increased heritability of gallstone disease in early onset cases. LIVER INTERNATIONAL / 28 / 825-827

Houlston RS, Webb E, Broderick P, Pittman AM, Di Bernardo MC, Lubbe S, Chandler I, Vijayakrishnan J, Sullivan K, Penegar S; Colorectal Cancer Association Study Consortium, Carvajal-Carmona L, Howarth K, Jaeger E, Spain SL, Walther A, Barclay E, Martin L, Gorman M, Domingo E, Teixeira AS; CoRGI Consortium, Kerr D, Cazier JB, Niittymäki I, Tuupanen S, Karhu A, Aaltonen LA, Tomlinson IP, Farrington SM, Tenesa A, Prendergast JG, Barnetson RA, Cetnarskyj R, Porteous ME, Pharoah PD, Koessler T, Hampe J, Buch S, Schafmayer C, Tepel J, Schreiber S, Völzke H, Chang-Claude J, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H, Zanke BW, Montpetit A, Hudson TJ, Gallinger S; International Colorectal Cancer Genetic Association Consortium, Campbell H, Dunlop MG. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies four new susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer. NATURE GENETICS / 40 / 1426-1435

Tenesa A, Farrington SM, Prendergast JG, Porteous ME, Walker M, Haq N, Barnetson RA, Theodoratou E, Cetnarskyj R, Cartwright N, Semple C, Clark AJ, Reid FJ, Smith LA, Kavoussanakis K, Koessler T, Pharoah PD, Buch S, Schafmayer C, Tepel J, Schreiber S, Völzke H, Schmidt CO, Hampe J, Chang-Claude J, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H, Wilkening S, Canzian F, Capella G, Moreno V, Deary IJ, Starr JM, Tomlinson IP, Kemp Z, Howarth K, Carvajal-Carmona L, Webb E, Broderick P, Vijayakrishnan J, Houlston RS, Rennert G, Ballinger D, Rozek L, Gruber SB, Matsuda K, Kidokoro T, Nakamura Y, Zanke BW, Greenwood CM, Rangrej J, Kustra R, Montpetit A, Hudson TJ, Gallinger S, Campbell H, Dunlop MG. Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on 11q23 and replicates risk loci at 8q24 and 18q21. NATURE GENETICS / 40 / 631-637

Tomlinson IP, Webb E, Carvajal-Carmona L, Broderick P, Howarth K, Pittman AM, Spain S, Lubbe S, Walther A, Sullivan K, Jaeger E, Fielding S, Rowan A, Vijayakrishnan J, Domingo E, Chandler I, Kemp Z, Qureshi M, Farrington SM, Tenesa A, Prendergast JG, Barnetson RA, Penegar S, Barclay E, Wood W, Martin L, Gorman M, Thomas H, Peto J, Bishop DT, Gray R, Maher ER, Lucassen A, Kerr D, Evans DG; CORGI Consortium, Schafmayer C, Buch S, Völzke H, Hampe J, Schreiber S, John U, Koessler T, Pharoah P, van Wezel T, Morreau H, Wijnen JT, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Giles GG, Severi G, Castellví-Bel S, Ruiz-Ponte C, Carracedo A, Castells A; EPICOLON Consortium, Försti A, Hemminki K, Vodicka P, Naccarati A, Lipton L, Ho JW, Cheng KK, Sham PC, Luk J, Agúndez JA, Ladero JM, de la Hoya M, Caldés T, Niittymäki I, Tuupanen S, Karhu A, Aaltonen L, Cazier JB, Campbell H, Dunlop MG, Houlston RS. A genome-wide association study identifies colorectal cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 10p14 and 8q23.3. NATURE GENETICS / 40 / 623-630

Egberts F, Pollex A, Egberts JH, Kaehler KC, Weichenthal M, Hauschild A. Long-term survival analysis in metastatic melanoma: serum S100B is an independent prognostic marker and superior to LDH. ONKOLOGIE / 31 / 380-384

Meier CR, Illiger HJ, Steder M, Janssen J, Deertz H, Braun M, Oeney HT, Deuss B, Küchler T, Rotermund S. Weekly vinorelbine versus docetaxel for metastatic breast cancer after failing anthracycline treatment. ONKOLOGIE / 31(8-9) / 447-453

Hutchinson JA, Brem-Exner BG, Riquelme P, Roelen D, Schulze M, Ivens K, Grabensee B, Witzke O, Philipp T, Renders L, Humpe A, Sotnikova A, Matthäi M, Heumann A, Gövert F, Schulte T, Kabelitz D, Claas FH, Geissler EK, Kunzendorf U, Fändrich F. A cell-based approach to the minimization of immunosuppression in renal transplantation. TRANSPL INT / 21 / 742-754

Hutchinson JA, Riquelme P, Brem-Exner BG, Schulze M, Matthäi M, Renders L, Kunzendorf U, Geissler EK, Fändrich F. Transplant acceptance-inducing cells as an immune-conditioning therapy in renal transplantation. TRANSPL INT / 21 / 728-741

Hutchinson JA, Roelen D, Riquelme P, Brem-Exner BG, Witzke O, Philipp T, Matthäi M, Gövert F, Claas FH, Westphal E, Kunzendorf U, Geissler EK, Fändrich F. Preoperative treatment of a presensitized kidney transplant recipient with donor-derived transplant acceptance-inducing cells. TRANSPL INT / 21 / 808-813

Kabelitz D, Geissler EK, Soria B, Schroeder IS, Fändrich F, Chatenoud L. Toward cell-based therapy of type I diabetes. TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY / 29 / 68-74