
Case reports

Wenners A, Petko C, vonKaisenberg C, Strauss A, Eckmann-Scholz C, Hoffmann U, Jonat W, Alkatout I (2013): Fetal hypoplastic left heart syndrome and maternal liver transplantation for Wilson's disease: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 7(1):276

Elessawy M, Schollmeyer T, Rajabi A, Wedel T, Mettler L, Jonat W, Alkatout I (2013): Intraoperative Splenic injury as a complication of the laparoscopic excision of uterine Myoma. Case Study and Case Rep 3(1):55-60

Günther V, Alkatout I, Lez C, Altarac S, Fures R, Cupic H, Persec Z, Hrgovic Z, Mundhenke C (2012): Malignant Melanoma of the Urethra: A Rare Histologic Subdivision of Vulvar Cancer with a Poor Prognosis. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2012:385175

Alkatout I, Bojahr B, Dittmann L, Warneke V, Mettler L, Jonat W, Schollmeyer T (2011): Precarious preoperative diagnostics and hints for the laparoscopic excision of uterine adenomatoid tumors: two exemplary cases and literature review. Fertil Steril 95(3):1119.e5-8.

Alkatout I, Henopp T, Moritz JD, Nikischin W, Klöppel G, Engler S (2008): Extraabdominal malposition of the gallbladder. J Pediatr Surg 43(11):e41-4

Arlt A, Harbeck B, Anlauf M, Alkatout I, Klöppel G, Fölsch UR, Bewig B, Mönig H (2008): Fatal Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia in a Case of Ectopic Cushing’s Syndrome due to Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Kidney. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 116(9):515-519

Alkatout I, Pauser U, Günther R, Klöppel G (2007): Fallbericht: Septisches Kreislaufversagen nach multiviszeraler Resektion eines Gastrointestinalen Stromatumors (GIST) mit Splenektomie und adjuvanter Imatinibtherapie. Journal Onkologie 3(7):144-147

Becker S, Alkatout I, Steinriede A, Bartsch M, Wiltfang J (2006): Der besondere Fall: Intraossäres Hämangiom des Unterkiefers. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 96(14):34-35