
Veranstaltung | Lübeck | 14. Nov. 2017


14. November 2017Di. 00 Uhr


17. November 2017Fr. 00 Uhr



Since 2011, the University of Luebeck and Nicolae Testemitanu University for Medicine and Pharmacy”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova are partner universities. The REACH-4-Moldova-Project (Research, Education And Capacity-building in Healthcare for Moldova) was established in 2014 and is funded by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service).

REACH-4-Moldova includes students and tutors exchanges, symposia, and the academy of respiratory medicine. As part of the latter, three-day courses are held each November in Chisinau. These courses include keynote lectures, state of the art-lectures, case presentations, and skills trainings.

The Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology is involved in the course: Infectious Diseases and Evidence Based Medicine.