14. November 2017Di. 00 Uhr
17. November 2017Fr. 00 Uhr
- Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie Campus Lübeck
Since 2011, the University of Luebeck and Nicolae Testemitanu University for Medicine and Pharmacy”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova are partner universities. The REACH-4-Moldova-Project (Research, Education And Capacity-building in Healthcare for Moldova) was established in 2014 and is funded by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service).
REACH-4-Moldova includes students and tutors exchanges, symposia, and the academy of respiratory medicine. As part of the latter, three-day courses are held each November in Chisinau. These courses include keynote lectures, state of the art-lectures, case presentations, and skills trainings.
The Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology is involved in the course: Infectious Diseases and Evidence Based Medicine.