Publikationen 2012

Ditz C, Nowak G, Koch C, Merz H, Tronnier V: Atypical Choroid Plexus Papilloma in a Newborn: Prenatal Diagnosis, Preoperative Tumor Embolization, and Resection. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg:2012

Kehler U, Langer N, Gliemroth J, Meier U, Lemcke J, Sprung C, et al.: Reduction of shunt obstructions by using a peel-away sheath technique? A multicenter prospective randomized trial. Clin Neurol Neurosurg114:381-384, 2012

Klimach P, Richter A, Danner S, Kruse C, Tronnier V, Hofmann UG: Automated image analysis of immunohistochemical stained brain slices of long term polyimid brain implants. Biomed Tech (Berl):2012

Knotkova H, Cruciani, Tronnier, Rasche: Current and future options for the management of phantom-limb pain. JPR:39, 2012

Piek J, Weber C, Kundt G, Tronnier V, Spuck S, Hirdes C, et al.: Pharmacoeconomical Consequences of Postoperative CSF Leaks After Intracranial Surgery - A Prospective Analysis. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg73:25-28, 2012

Rades D, Kueter JD, Gliemroth J, Veninga T, Pluemer A, Schild SE: Resection plus whole-brain irradiation versus resection plus whole-brain irradiation plus boost for the treatment of single brain metastasis. Strahlenther Onkol188:143-147, 2012

Rades D, Kueter J-D, Meyners T, Pluemer A, Veninga T, Gliemroth J, et al.: Single brain metastasis: Resection followed by whole-brain irradiation and a boost to the metastatic site compared to whole-brain irradiation plus radiosurgery. Clin Neurol Neurosurg114:326-330, 2012

Tronnier V, Birklein F: Spinal cord stimulation, from diagnosis-oriented to mechanism-based treatment. European Journal of Pain14:111-112, 2012

Wuerfel J, Tysiak E, Petersen D, Gottschalk S, Gerling I, Gliemroth J, Thyen U: Progression of chronic subdural haematomas in an infant boy after abusive head trauma. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology:2012